Page 9 of Gemini Alpha

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Chapter 7 Karly

“The participantsin the Astro Games will receive points based on how well and how quickly they complete each category. After each category is complete, the eight or nine participants with the lowest points will be eliminated. In case of a tie, the two participants will go through each category again to test for strength and endurance.”

This was all stuff everyone in the room knew. The never changed, but we all respectfully listened anyway.

“These are extreme sports, and the only rule is that the participants cannot fully shift. You must remain in a partial shift to give your human forms more strength…”

I wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have been. Instead, I was dreaming about the look the smoking hot Virgo, Chase, had just given me. He was something else. Tall and muscular, with warm, hazel eyes that had a hint of mischief in them, and shoulder length blonde hair I just wanted to get my hands all knotted up in. What was it with these players? I’d assumed I was going to be all caught up in my feelings for Alek, but already two other guys had freaking blown me away. I didn’t even know what that meant. Was I not as in love with Alek as I thought if I was over here fantasizing about other men? had no idea what was going on with me, but I liked it. It made me feel naughty, much more excited than I normally would be. I guess that was the thing with the Astro Games, they shook everyone out of their normal routines and shifted everything in unexpected ways. It turned out that I had transformed into a freaking sex kitten. I never thought that would happen.

I bit down on my bottom lip as I remembered the way Chase’s hazel eyes unravelled me, read me deeper than anyone else ever had, corrupted me almost. Within two seconds of being around him, I felt raw, splayed out in front of him, like he had gotten some access to me that I never gave. But access that I actually didn’t mind him stripping from me. Thank God Ben knew him and he had invited him to Pleasures tonight. I wasn’t one hundred percent sold on the idea of going, because I wouldn’t be able to openly report on anything that happened during downtime, but if Chase was going to be there, there was no way I wanted to stay away. He had me intrigued, and I absolutely needed to know more. Instead of reporting on the fun, I wanted to be a part of it.

I looked at the Virgo flag where he was standing. Chase seemed to sense my eyes on him, and he twisted around to shoot me a heart-stopping smile. I wished I could just run across the room and jump into his arms, see what it felt like to be held by someone like him. I bet those thick arms would feel absolutely incredible wrapped around me.

Finally, Bear King Mobius ended his speech, with me hardly taking in a word, and he started to exit the hall with his daughter dutifully in tow. I had been feeling a little sorry for Azariyah before, but now I couldn’t help but wonder if that was misplaced. She had a lot of good options vying for her attention. Okay, so there were some duds as well, such as Drew, but I had to have believe he wouldn’t be the one who won her hand.

“Well, that was illuminating, wasn’t it?” Ben teased, not sounding like he was being sarcastic at all. “Those undertones, wow. Bear King Mobius had a lot to say there.”

Shit, perhaps I should have been listening after all. I shook my head and tried to rid my brain of the fog that threatened to swallow me up whole. “What do you mean?”

“Did you not pick up on the subtle hints that were definitely directed at Sly?” He chuckled throatily. “Oh my God, that was great. I guess he hasn’t figured out what he’s doing here either.”

“Hmm, yeah, good point.” I looked at the Unaligned clan’s flag once more, where Sky and Drew stood, now joined by Sladen, the other Unaligned guy. “We really don’t know why Sly is here, do we? Do you think it’s just an anarchist thing? Like, he wants to cause trouble wherever he goes?”

“Could be.” Ben pursed his lips in thought. “But I don’t know. I mean, hasn’t his point been made there? Everyone knows he’s anti-establishment. Does he really need to highlight that point now? When his son is in the Astro Games and in poll position as well?”

“Unless it’s some kind of threat.” I shrugged helplessly. “Who the hell knows? We should make it our mission to find out while we’re here. Could be a good story, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, for sure.” Ben nodded encouragingly. “Especially if we find out something scandalous, such as the king letting Sly get away with it all for some reason.”

That left me doubtful. “Come on, we know Bear King Mobius isn’t doing that. He wouldn’t do that.”

Ben shrugged. “We don’t really know anything right now. That’s why we need to use our investigative skills to find out. I mean, that’s what we do best, isn’t it?”

Thinking about my investigative skills shot a tingle through my veins. That was what I got into the job for, that was what I loved about it all. Getting the best scoop was what drove me every single day, unravelling a story and finding out what was right, that’s what I adored.

I looked around the room once more and found Alek deep in conversation with Lance, still somehow managing to make my heart skip a beat even after I’d tried to convince myself that I wasn’t in love with him after all. The Sagittarius flag wasn’t too far from the Virgo one, and my stomach flip flopped when Hatcher met my eyes. I reluctantly looked away, and soon found myself staring at Chase again. Those hazel eyes boring into me. Hot damn. I needed to get my sorry ass to Pleasures as soon as possible. My panties already felt like they weren’t going to survive the night. I was surprised they’d made it this far when they were absolutely soaking. I needed to stop being so freaking boy crazy…or bear crazy.

“So, Ben…” I spun quickly and banged into a tall male figure, one that definitely wasn’t Ben. No, this man had rugged looks and a bright smile. “Oh, sorry I…”

I inhaled deeply. Was that motor oil? I had to admit this looked like a man who worked with his hands. He wasn’t sharply dressed and had calloused hands, like he was down in the trenches sorting shit out while the guys in suits had their office meetings. Saliva filled my mouth as I imagined those rough hands all over me… God damn it, I had to stop this before everything got out of control. Before I got out of control. I was in enough of a mess without adding someone else to the mix.

The man didn’t say a word, he simply stepped back from me, but there was something about his lopsided smile that was really familiar. I knew him, I recognized him, he was…wait, he was a participant.

“Rory,” I said before I could stop myself. Of course, he was one of the Leo competitors. Ninth place in the rankings. He beat out the other Leo member, Finn, who had gone from a favorite to win to fifteenth place. “You’re Rory. It’s good to finally get to meet you in person. To put a face to the name.”

He frowned, which surprised me. “Shame I can’t say the same about you.” There was a beat of painful silence that seemed to last forever before he spoke again. “Who are you and how do you know me?”

I tried not to be insulted. Just because I was considered the queen of morning TV didn’t mean everyone knew who I was. “I…I’m Karly from The Morning Show. I’m press, here to interview everyone.”

Weirdly, his lips curled up in a smirk. “I see, so I should probably know you, right? If you’re important.”

I took in a sharp breath because I could just tell this wasn’t supposed to be any kind of compliment. It was almost a bit of a slap in the face. But since I’d already acted far too unprofessional today, I plastered my award-wining smile on and extended my hand to him.

Rory chuckled and took my hand, but not a flicker of embarrassment crossed his face. He really didn’t care that he hadn’t recognized me. I didn’t know how to feel about that; it was weird.

But then he tugged me in so close I could feel his breath tickling my ear. It was a weird sensation that sent a shudder tearing down my spine. “You disappoint easily,” he laughed in a low, gravely voice. “Of course I know who you are. I would have to be an idiot not to recognize you.”

Tags: Laura Wylde Paranormal