Page 28 of Gemini Alpha

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We left the tent together, only half dressed, but it didn’t really matter. It wasn’t like anyone could see us here. We were the freest we had ever been. Truth be told, if we could just stay here, everything would be perfect. If we could just avoid all the hard questions and real life, we would be just fine. Out here, experiencing freedom and nature with these guys, was officially the happiest I had ever been.

* * *

The warm breezewafted over us all as we walked. This wasn’t much like the hike to the waterfall yesterday, but more of a casual amble through the wilderness. It was beautiful, and really relaxing. All of this made me realize what a fast-paced life I’d been living as the queen of morning TV. I hadn’t slowed down in a very long time. It felt nice to take the time to really appreciate what was going on around me. The world was a truly beautiful place when I really took a look at it. I needed to take more time out for myself, to live a slower life more often, because this was just beautiful.

I could have stayed in that ecstatic place if it hadn’t been for the brow of a hill which revealed the giant dome that was the arena. Of course, my thoughts strayed to the Astro Games and everything they signified to the men and the world of the bear shifters, to the whole Zodiac Empire. All of this was just so much bigger than me and us. I couldn’t forget that for even a second.

“I can’t do this. You know I can’t.”I blinked a few times as the words from my dreams flooded my brain. “My allegiance to the Virgo clan has to come first.” Sickness flip flopped in my stomach. “Even though I said I came here for an adventure, now I’m invested in the competition.” But the worst words were yet to come. “We have all decided to focus on taking down Drew and the Unaligned clan. We can’t let anarchy happen. We want to marry Azariyah, and that’s more important than anything that’s happened between us.”

“I understand you all have a duty to perform,” I said suddenly, not really sure what I was going to say next. “And that you have an important allegiance to your clans. I know the second round is coming up and that…well, there is the issue with Drew and the Unaligned clan. Just know that I want this. It’s not like I expect an answer now or anything, but I just want you all to know that this will be better if it’s all of us. It has to be all of us.” The men were silent, staring at me. “I will get it if you choose duty, I would never want to get in the way of your dreams and plans, but if you all want this, then I do too.” It was such a relief to finally get that out in the open. “I really do.”

While I wasn’t expecting an answer right away, the absolute silence coming from the guys was scary.

Tags: Laura Wylde Paranormal