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Hayden stared down at her, his eyes burning into her soul.

She stared back, at once mesmerized by him, and horrified with herself. She was only supposed to get turned on by the fantasy of a guy tightening his grip around her throat! Fantasies, as Hayden had noted, did not equal reality.

What was happening? Why was she more turned on than she’d ever been in her life?

He squeezed harder, this time pulling a squawk of pure fear from Dahlia’s mouth. At the same time, a dark, wild joy she didn’t understand was pulsing its way through her psyche. She was trembling from head to toe. If he let her go now, she might crumple to the floor.

“You please me,” he said in a low growl, his hand still tight around her throat.

In spite of her fear and confusion, a jolt of dark, raw pleasure hurtled through her bloodstream like a hit of cocaine. In spite of herself, she moaned.

All at once, he released her, at the same time bringing an arm supportively around her waist. He reached around to the back of her head, which he gently cradled in his large hand.

Every fiber of her being strained toward him as they stared at one another, his hungry expression no doubt mirroring her own.

Kiss me, she very nearly begged.

Heeding her silent plea, he dipped his head until his lips brushed hers. She sighed, her body loosening, her tongue sliding to meet his as he held her close.

Time stopped, the earth halting in its orbit as Hayden probed, teased and caressed her mouth. His hand moved in her hair, coiling it between his fingers and holding her in place in his tight grip. She lost herself in their long, perfect kiss, never wanting him to let her go.

When the pair finally parted, they were both breathless. Hayden’s eyes were bright, his face lit as if from a fire within. He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek, his touch leaving a line of delicious heat on her skin.

“Congratulations, Dahlia,” he said, smiling broadly. “You did very well. I definitely see an invitation in your future.”

Chapter 4

Hayden’s cock was hard as a rock, his mind whirling with the thrilling certainty that Dahlia was indeed a sub, if an untried one. He ached to lift her into his arms, his clothes magically dissolving as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Pushing her against a wall, he’d fuck her until she begged for mercy, until he couldn’t hold on another second…

She was willing—he was sure of it. He had seen it in her eyes—that intoxicating combination of erotic fear and unbridled lust that unlocked the sensual sadist in him. He had felt it in the tremble of her limbs, in the way she’d melted against him as they’d embraced, in the hard poke of her erect nipples against his chest and the sweet, breathy sighs as they kissed…

Though it took every ounce of his self-control, Hayden forced himself to pull back. This wasn’t the right time—not yet. It wouldn’t be right to take her now—not when she wasn’t yet his to claim.

He took another step back, harnessing his lust as he reminded himself of his responsibilities as an ethical Dom. Placing his arm lightly around her bare shoulders, he guided her toward the couch, indicating she should sit.

“You can get dressed now,” he said, retrieving and handing her clothing to her. He was pleased his voice sounded steadier than he felt. He fell onto the couch beside her.

She looked confused. “But…” she trailed off, her brow furrowing. “I don’t understand. I thought we’d… After that kiss… Don’t you want more? Because I do.” As she said these last words, color stained her cheeks. Looking away, she clutched the bundle of clothing to her chest.

Hayden reached out, placing his hand on her warm, bare thigh. Her skin was like silk. He had to resist the urge to slide his hand higher, to cup her cunt and to press his fingers into its yielding wetness.

Keeping his hand where it was, he said gently, “I do, too, Dahlia. Believe me, I do.” He glanced down at his still raging erection and flashed a grin, adding, “As you can see for yourself.”

She offered a tentative smile in return, but still looked confused. Her honey hair was sexily tousled around her shoulders, her color high. The look of yearning and pure lust that lingered in her eyes very nearly broke his resolve.

He pulled his hand from her thigh before he lost control. “It wouldn’t be right.” His voice came out hoarse. He cleared his throat. “You’ve just been through a very intense experience. The parameters of that session were strictly between Dom and potential sub. If I were to make love to you now, I would be taking advantage, even if it doesn’t feel that way.”

Tags: Claire Thompson Masters Club Erotic