Page 17 of Beastly Brute

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“Are you sure you’re feeling better today?” I ask my mom as I shove my wallet and keys into my purse. “I can stay home with you another day.”

“Nonsense. You need to work, and I need to rest. No offense, dear, but you can be a mother hen sometimes.”

I glare at her, but then laugh as she gives me an exasperated shrug. I know I can be intense when it comes to her care, but someone has to be. It took months to convince her to go to the doctor in the first place. I shudder to think what could have happened if we hadn’t caught the cancer early on.

Taking one last look in the hallway mirror, I straighten my pencil skirt and brush a few wayward strands of hair out of my face. My stomach swirls with nerves and anticipation. I’m not sure what today will bring after everything that happened last night.

“Okay, I’m off then. I’ll check in with you over my lunch break.” I give my mother a kiss on her cheek and pinch it for good measure. “Just wanted to make sure you know who the mother hen is in this relationship,” I say with a stern voice. She laughs, which was the whole point. When you’re a caretaker of a sick parent, you seize any little moment of joy life has to offer.

Twenty minutes later, I’m standing in front of the office doors to Sloan Investments. I’ve only been here a handful of times, seeing as Mr. Sloan usually sends me out on random assignments that keep me buzzing around the city all day.

Today, however, I received a brief text from Mr. Sloan as I stepped out the door.

Come into the office today.

That was it. I wasn’t expecting a love poem or anything, but after the moments we shared last night, I thought he’d at least be… cordial. Crazy, I know. That would mean Mr. Sloan has some sort of self-awareness.

Still, last night was unexpected, to say the least. He came to check up on me. More like fire me, I’m sure. But something changed when his dark eyes fixed on mine. I saw the man behind the stacks of cash and algorithms. He showed me a softer side, even held me while I dissolved into a puddle of tears.

And then there’s the kiss.

I mean…. Holy shit. Is that what a real kiss feels like?

The way he took control, pulling me closer, exploring my mouth with steady strokes of his tongue. I felt wanted, powerful, and yet completely surrendered to whatever Mr. Sloan wanted to do with me.

“You going in?” a man asks as he darts around me to get to the door.

“Yes,” I say after clearing my throat. “Thank you,” I reply as he holds the door open for me.

Squaring my shoulders, I take confident strides toward the reception desk, giving the secretary, Rhonda, a smile. “Is Mr. Sloan in?” I ask.

“Yes, but… are you sure you want to see him?” I furrow my brow at her response. “He has the nickname ‘Beast’ for a reason.”

This time, I can’t hold back my glare. I don’t want anyone referring to him as a beast. Unless it’s me, giving him a hard time. “He asked me to come here today, actually,” I tell her.

“It’s even worse than I thought then. He never asks people to come to his office. What did you do?”

I kissed my boss and cried in his arms.“Nothing,” I lie.

“Mmhm,” Rhonda responds. “Good luck.” She points down the hallway toward a massive oak door at the end. “He’s in there.”

I nod and put one foot in front of the other, ready to face my fate. Does he regret it? Does he want more? Would I give him more? Yes. Definitely yes.

Lifting a trembling hand, I knock on the door, waiting for a reply. When nothing happens, I knock again, harder this time.

A second later, the heavy door swings open and Mr. Sloan pulls me inside, pressing me against the wall as he slams the door shut. His eyes look feral, shining with darkness, anger, and something deeper. Something primal.

“Mr. Sloan, I—”

“Vincent,” he growls. “You call me Vincent.”

“Okay,” I say on a shaky breath. “V-Vincent. What’s happening?”

“What was always meant to happen,” he whispers before covering my mouth with his.

There’s nothing tentative about this kiss. He’s not exploring me, he’s claiming me. I open up for him, wider, wider, so he can kiss me so deeply I feel it in my toes. They curl inside my heels as my panties grow damp. Oh god, I can feel my desire wet my thighs as Vincent continues to ruin me with his kiss.

Tags: Cameron Hart Erotic