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Chapter Nineteen

Warrick walked into Eli’s conference room after dropping Shelby off with Kinley. There were several people there that he hadn’t expected, which made him realize the situation was more dire than he first thought.

He took a seat next to Eli. “Good morning.”

Eli nodded. “I’ll just say morning. This is more serious than we first thought.”

“How?” Warrick asked.

“Let’s wait. Mr. Donelly just walked in. He’s with some government agency.”

Warrick scowled.

“Okay, let’s get right to it. My name is Mr. Donelly, and I’m from a branch of the Secret Service.”

“Oh, really, which one?” Caleb asked.

Warrick grinned. This guy wasn’t going to get away with anything.

“We work with several different agencies.”

“Like who?” Caleb asked.

The man looked frustrated and saw several guys in the room trying to cover their humor.

“We work with the CIA, ATF, FBI, Immigration, etc.”

“You do realize that every guy in here was in some form of agency,” Warrick said.

“Oh,” Mr. Donelly said and raised a brow. “And where were you?”

Warrick grinned. “Let’s just call me a spook.”

The guy’s eyes widened. “CIA?”

Warrick shrugged. People in the CIA didn’t talk about it if they could help it. “Ask Ferguson about me.” He’d been his handler when he was there. He could tell the guy recognized his name and cleared his throat.

“This changes things a bit. We have reason to believe you have two men here who are spies for Russia.”

“Russia? You’re shitting me?” Eli said and straightened. “How were they able to go through our security check?”

The man started to look uncomfortable. “We put them through because we wanted to know what they were up to.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Caleb said. “You’re messing with our business without telling us?”

“We couldn’t,” Mr. Donelly said. “Guys, this comes from higher up. I don’t even know how high.”

“You know our women work here?” Kane asked.

“I was aware of it, yes, but I also know you guys are extremely protective of them, so I didn’t worry.”

Warrick had been trying to hold back, but when he said that, he let loose. “You fucker. You put my and Eli’s women in direct contact with these two. It doesn’t take long to break a neck or do damage if you know what you’re doing.”

“But I know you never leave them alone.”

“That doesn’t matter. They’re in a room with two men who could be deadly and suicidal. Did you ever consider that?”

“No. What are you saying?”

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