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“Oh my,” she says, covering her mouth. Her hair has started to grow back and is in a pixie cut, courtesy of Allie.

It fits her. She looks better than she has in years. Her frame has filled back out after she regained her appetite, her eyes are brighter than they have been since she was diagnosed. She looks undeniably happy. Seeing her happy and healthy is all I could ever ask for. It brings tears to my eyes each time I think about it, what she endured to be where she is today. I’d do anything in the world to make her happy, to see her smile. She’s my Ma and I owe everything to her.

“You little hussies, you did all of this for me?”

She looks around at the decorations that Emery has spent the last two days on. I’ve hung up more garland and balloons than I have in my entire life. All of them blue, Ma’s favorite color.

Have I mentioned how obsessed I am with my wife? She’s fucking perfect.

“Of course we did. This is the best news in the world, Barbara,” Emery says, sweeping her into her arms, even with her protruding belly she holds mom tightly to her.

“Oh, Emery, I’m so thankful for you, not just for marrying my son, but for being the best daughter in the world.”

Fuck, I wasn’t planning on crying today. These two always make me emotional.

The girls walk up at that moment, tugging on my mom’s cardigan.

“Gigi, Gigi!”

Ma pulls back, peering down at her granddaughters at her feet. “Hi my sweet girls, Gigi missed yousomuch.”

She makes her rounds while I stay back and shoot the shit with the guys, all while watching my wife play hostess, and think about devouring her the second everyone leaves. It’s a habit I can’t seem to shake, wanting her the way that I do. One I don’t give two shits about ever stopping either.

I’m about to go grab a drink when Asher walks up, beer in hand, his face serious.

“I need some advice. Real advice.”

“What’s up, dude?”

“I need advice about my girl. It’s…complicated.”

I laugh. “Isn’t it always? Welcome to the club.”

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