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“That’s it,baby, you’re doing amazing. God, you’re so fucking strong, and I’m so proud of you. So damn proud,” I say as we go into another hard push, and the first cry fills the room around us.

That’s our girl. God, I’m hearing my girls cry for the first time.

The most beautiful sound in the world.

She wails so loud it pierces the air, and I can’t help but laugh as the tears fall down my face.

That’s my baby.

My eyes glance back down at my beautiful girl, exhausted and worn out, but strong as ever.

I’ve never felt more pride, never been prouder of anyone or anything in my life as I am right now.

All I have to say is that after witnessing Emery giving birth to our babies, I have a newfound respect for women.

She is the strongest woman I’veeverfucking seen, and I couldn’t admire her any more than I do right now. Watching her push through the pain… It is the most humbling experience I’ve ever had.

I’ve broken bones, gotten into some bloody fights, had more stitches than I can even count, and I know nothing comes close to the pain she’s experiencing right now.

And so gracefully, all for our girls.

I know without a shadow of a doubt, I’m in love with Emery Davidson. More now than ever.

I’ll never forget this moment. Not as long as I live. She’s resilient in ways that I could never be. Hell, if the tables were turned, I’d be crying like a baby; yet she grits her teeth and grips my hand harder, then pushes with all of her strength.

Another cry, and now both of our babies are screaming at the top of their lungs, arriving into the world in true Adams’ fashion.

Reaching out, I push the sweat-drenched hair back from her forehead and plant my lips there as the nurse brings both girls and places them against Em’s bare chest. They immediately quiet, nestling into her.

It makes me cry like a fucking baby.

My girls.

I’ve waited my entire life for this, and I had no idea. I had no idea that this moment would truly change everything.

I know now, there will be before this moment, and after. That’s it.

Tears wet my cheeks as I peer down at them. So peaceful, so perfect, that my chest feels tight.

“Em, you did it, baby, look you did it. They’re so beautiful. God, they’re ours.”

Em sobs, messy fat tears, that smear the makeup down her face, but god, she’s so incredible.

“Congratulations Mom and Dad, two beautiful, healthy baby girls. Now the real adventure starts,” her doctor says, standing over my new family with a smile.

I lean down over the bed and run my finger down their noses. Button-like, and pink, they’re so perfect that I can’t even believe they are ours.

“They have your nose.” She sobs so hard her shoulders are shaking.

“No, baby, they look just like you.Perfect,” I say.

We have a few uninterrupted minutes before the nurse takes both girls and cleans them up, while another nurse attends to Em.

I don’t want to be apart from the girls or Em, but I give Em privacy as the nurse helps her change into a new gown and get cleaned up. I watch as the nurse bathes the girls and weighs and measures them both.

“Baby A is seven pounds even, and Baby B is six pounds, seven ounces. We’re going to bring them down to the NICU to test their breathing, and run a few more tests, but as soon as they are done, we’ll bring them right back up,” the nurse tells Em and me.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance