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Three rounds of darts and balloons later, I got my ass kicked by my baby mama, and that’s how I ended up in the damn tank, waiting to get dunked.

That’s the last time I ever underestimate all four-foot-eleven of her.

“Maybe next time you make a bet with me, you’ll consider the outcome.” The smug grin hangs on her lips. Even with the crowd surrounding us, and the more than good chance that I’m about to get my ass soaking wet, I still want to kiss that mouth, attitude and all.

Actually, it’s my favorite thing about her.

That mouth.

I shrug, my smirk only growing wider. “I will admit that I didn’t expect to find myself here, but I’ll take you on any day, Davidson.”

I clap my hands together and open my arms wide. “Gimme your best shot, babe.”

Emery squares her shoulder, then rears back and throws the bright yellow ball at the target, narrowly missing.

My ass clenches as it slams against the outer ring of the target.

Thank fuck.

“Yesssss,” I yell, laughing when she sticks her tongue out at me. God, I’m crazy about this girl.

Emery looks at me with pure determination in her eye and prepares to throw the next ball.

I should’ve known better than to celebrate after the first miss, because the second time, she doesn’t.

She nails it square on the target, the dunking booth siren goes off and the board my ass is on falls out from beneath me, plunging me into the water below.

My feet hit the ground and I push upwards, slinging the water from my hair and face before pulling myself out.

“Holy shit.” Emery pants through tears of laughter. She’s laughing so hard, her entire body shakes as she doubles over. “Oh God, this is the best thing I’ve ever seen. Graham Adams literally eating his words.”

I’m fucking soaked, head to toe, even my shoes are squishing with each step I take toward Emery. Before she can stop me, I wrap my arms around her and spin her around.

“Graham, stop, stop! I’m getting wet!”

Growling, I lean closer until my lips brush against the shell of her ear and whisper, “How about we skip the Ferris wheel so I can eat your pussy under the stars.”

Her body goes tight in my arms, and she stops thrashing. She looks up at me, her eyes wide and full of desire, before shuddering lightly. “Graham.” She breathes my name. It’s low and hoarse, like my words have as much effect on her as they do me.

“Nah, I’m not letting you skip the Ferris wheel. After, we’ll go to my spot, and I promise to make you come on my face.”

I smirk when her cheeks turn red under the fair lights. I lift my shirt, ringing out the excess water from the fabric, and her eyes drift to my stomach, and when they do, a carnal look passes over her face.

“Later,” I mumble against her ear and lace my fingers with hers.

The past week has changed something between us. Emery’s… different. It’s like whatever was holding her back has weakened, and if anything, we’ve become actual friends. Spending the week away from everyone and everything has made her open up. Both of us are exploring sides of each other we haven’t until now. We’ve talked about our families, laughed harder than I have in months, talked about the future for our babies.

Hell, she’s only done the minimum for work, putting it aside to spend time with my family and get to know them.

It feels different, better.

I can feel it tonight, more than ever, and fuck, I just want to hold on to it. Prove to her that this isn’t fake between us, prove that what we’re both feeling is real, and I could actually make her happy for the long haul.

I know that it won’t be easy, but I’m not going to give up. That’s not who I am.

Once we get to the Ferris wheel, I hand the attendant our tickets, and he puts us in a red car on the ride. Emery slides in beside me excitedly, ready for the ride to begin.

“This is incredible, Graham. Thank you. For everything.”

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance