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Ma’s eyes are huge, and her jaw hangs open in surprise. It’s like she’s frozen in place. But then I see the tears welling in her eyes from across the table.


Emery squeezes my hand in hers.

“I’- I’m going to be a grandmother?” she whispers, the tears in her eyes spilling over onto her cheeks. She brings her hand to her mouth as she begins to cry. “Babies? Two babies?”

We nod together.

“It’s very rare since neither side has twins,” Emery adds. “I brought some ultrasound pictures to show you both, if you’d like to see them?”

Sniffling, Ma nods her head. “Of course, I’d love to see them.”

Emery stands, and I help her scoot her chair back. She walks over to stand between Allie and Ma and shows them the picture she had in her purse. Allie squeals when Emery points the babies out.

“This is baby A, and this is baby B. These are their feet,” Emery says proudly, pointing her purple manicured nail at the small beans on the ultrasound picture.

“Oh God, even their little feet are so cute. I can’t take it!” Ma clutches her heart, her words shaky as she leans in closer to get a better look.

“These are for you. For you to put on the fridge or wherever,” Emery says, looking up at me.

Fuck, seeing her with Ma and Allie. I love it. Too much. Knowing that it’s not real. It’s like dangling a piece of fresh bread over a starving man, knowing that he’ll never be able to have it, and he’ll starve to death without it.

“Graham… you’re going to be a daddy. My baby is going to have babies of his own.”

Standing from my chair, I walk over and slide my arm around Ma’s shoulders, clutching her close to me.

“Your daddy would be so proud of the man you’re becoming, sweetheart. I hope you know that. He’s watching you right now, and don’t you forget it.”

Her words cause the emotion in my chest to tighten. I haven’t cried in years, but right now, I feel hot tears sting my eyes.

I’d do anything to have another moment with him, for him to see me right now. I hope that I’m making him proud, and that I’m half the man he was.

“I’m going to be a kickass aunt,” Allie says, hugging Emery. “Proud of you Graham Cracker.”

I’m a grown man, and she’s still calling me by my childhood nickname.

“Thanks, Allie Cat.”

Emery smiles, watching the exchange between the two of us.

“Emery, now that you’re unofficially officially part of the family, I need to tell you all about the embarrassing things I know about Graham. Did you know he used to pee the bed till he was ten?”

I stiffen. “What the hell, Allie?”

She smirks, tossing back the rest of her wine. “And he slept with a teddy bear until he moved out. Bet you he’s still got it. What was it called, Graham?”

“I hate you,” I grumble.

“Dr. Dickey! That was it!” Allie exclaims.

I literally hate my sister right now. Jesus fucking Christ.

Emery laughs. "You two remind me so much of Reed and me. Growing up, all we had was each other and our mom.”

“Well, welcome to the family, Emery,” Ma says. “We’re so happy you’re here. When are you due?”

“January. My doctor is monitoring my pregnancy closely, since twin pregnancies can be more high risk than normal pregnancies, but as of now, everything looks great. He did say that he doubts I will go full term, as most twin pregnancies don’t. But, we should be able to find out the sex at my next appointment.”

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance