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“Identical twins?” Emery says roughly.

Dr. Brown nods, giving her a smile before moving the wand around again over her jelled stomach. “That means you are either having two boys or two girls. Since they are identical, you can’t have both. Monoamniotic twins make up less than one percent of babies.”

“So, my babies are one of a kind.” I smirk. Pffft, and I was number five on that stupid scorecard. Obviously, I deserve the top spot. Identical freaking twins.

“Yes, you could say that.” He laughs. “Alright, see here is baby A and then right here is baby B.”

He’s using his finger to point out the two tiny little beans on the black and white screen of the ultrasound machine. I say beans because they seem to be bouncing around like jumping beans.

My baby beans.

I think I’ll call them that.

“When can we find out what they are?” Emery asks. Her eyes are still wide with panic and her body tight with tension.

“Generally, around eighteen weeks. With twins, we generally put you in the high-risk category because twin pregnancies can be a bit more complicated. That means more appointments and ultrasounds, but other than that, you should be perfectly fine. We will keep a close eye on them with bi-weekly ultrasounds around your twenty-week mark, but once a month until then unless there are any problems.”

Emery nods, exhaling. “And… normal activities are okay?”

Her eyes dart to me and then back to Dr. Brown, while her cheeks turn a rosy, red even in the dim room.

“If you mean sex, then absolutely. Contrary to the myth that circulates, sex is not going to harm your baby in any way. It’s healthy, and great for your body as a stress reliever. You will probably have a much higher sex drive while pregnant. There are hormones running haywire in your body right now, so if you see an increase in libido, listen to your body.”

So, what he’s telling me is that my hot-as-sin baby mama is going to need my dick even more than she did to put us in this situation.

Fuck yeah.

“Thank you.”

The Dr. nods. “If you have any questions at all, you can reach me on this number.” He hangs the ultrasound wand up and reaches into his pocket and produces a business card. “This is my direct cell number and you can reach me night or day. I’ll print a few pictures of the babies for you to keep and be sure to take your prenatal multivitamins every day. The girls at the front desk will schedule you for three weeks out. In the meantime, call me with any concerns.”

Once he’s done printing the black and white ultrasound photos, he gives Emery something to clean the jelly off her stomach with, then turns to me and extends his hand. “Congratulations to you both. I look forward to next time.”

“Thanks Doc.”

“Thank you,” Emery whispers, sitting up.

Once he’s gone and the door is shut behind him, Emery speaks.

“This is crazy. Insane. Of course, you’d knock me up with not one kid buttwo.”

I shrug. “Can’t deny fate, babe.”

The smile on my face only widens at her annoyance. Fuck, she’s adorable.

Groaning, she sits up, pulling the paper gown down. “This is something that would happen to me.”

“It just means two babies to love, instead of one. I have lots of love to give.”

For a second, her face softens. She picks up the photos Dr. Brown printed and looks at our baby beans.

“Two. For God’s sake, I hope they are girls.”

“Nah, they’re definitely going to be boys.”

We laugh together, the first, since all of this happened, and it makes my chest feel lighter.

"Either way, I just want them to be healthy. Ya know?”

I nod, reaching out and taking her hand. I squeeze it gently to reassure her. We’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

“Well… now we tell our families.”

Now this will be good.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance