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He looks like fucking Santa Claus minus the beard.

“Hi Ms. Davidson, I’m Rodney Brown. I hear congratulations are in order.” He smiles so big, that I can’t help but grin back.

“Thank you. I’m a bit nervous honestly.”

He nods. “Of course. Most first-time mothers are, but I’m here to reassure you that you are in the best hands and my staff and I will do everything we can to make sure you are comfortable and feel secure in your pregnancy. That’s our job.”

Emery nods, still looking nervous in her paper gown, as she chews her lip.

"Alright, I see you think you are about fourteen weeks along, based on your last date of intercourse, but I’d like to go ahead and do an ultrasound to help me determine your due date, and to check the heartbeat and growth of the baby. Lie back here for me, please.” He gestures to the exam table, and then grabs a wand attached to a cord from the machine next to him. The lights dim, and he turns the ultrasound machine on.

“This might be a bit cold,” Dr. Brown warns before squirting a jelly-like substance on Emery’s exposed stomach. “Keep watching the screen and you’ll get to see a glimpse of your little baby.”

My stomach is tight with nerves. Holy fuck.

I’m about to see my baby for the first time ever. Really any baby, ever, on a screen.

I wipe my sweaty palms on the front of my jeans, taking a gulp of air.

A steady whoosh sounds on the screen, beating in rhythm.

“There’s the heartbeat,” Dr. Brown says, “strong and steady. Just what we like to hear.”

Glancing at Emery, I see tears wetting her cheeks, so I reach out and take her small, clammy hand in mine and squeeze gently, letting her know that she’s not alone.

“Hmm,” he says.


Silence meets my question, and I begin to worry. Is Em okay, the baby?

“Well Emery… It looks like you’re having two babies. Twins.”

Emery jackknifes from the exam table, sitting up so abruptly, she almost falls completely off it exclaiming, “What? That’s impossible.”

“Fuck yes,” I say, jumping up and pumping the air. “Two!”

Two babies to love instead of one? This is the best day of my fucking life.

Dr. Brown laughs, shaking his head. “Do twins run in either of your families?”

I think about my family tree, realizing we have none on my side, so I shake my head.

“No, I don’t believe that we have any twins in my family. God, I was nervous for one baby, but two…. How? I mean, how can we be having twins?” Emery says, rubbing her temples.

“Lean back and let me take a further look. If neither side of your families has twins then this is pretty rare. If my hunch is right, then you might be having identical twins.”

Emery croaks, flopping back on the table, and I grin wider.

I can’t wait to tell Ma and Allie. I hope they’re boys.

Twin fucking boys.

“Em, this is amazing.”

Another croak.

“Yes, it looks like they are identical. Do you see right here? They are sharing the same sac. This is pretty rare as far as twin pregnancies go, and this type of twins is referenced as monoamniotic. This can sometimes be dangerous because one twin can essentially steal blood and nutrients from the other, but you are very early along and we will monitor you closely. In some cases, they can separate and each have their own sac. They do seem to each have their own placenta to protect them, which is good news.”

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance