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“I can’t believe I get to be an aunt again!” I screech.

“I can’t believe I’m actually pregnant, I mean… we’ve kind of been trying for a while and I was starting to get worried, and then I took a test and it was positive.”

I nod. “It happens like that sometimes. How far along do you think you are?”

“I think eight weeks, but I’ll find out at my appointment next week.”

Reed strolls back up as Holland and I hug again, with a proud smirk. “Guess she told you the news?”

“Yes. Congratulations. I’m so happy for you both.”

“Who knew we’d be here all those years ago, huh?” he says, sipping his beer. “Love happens unexpectedly.”

Nodding, I think about Graham, but then quickly push the thought away. Graham Adams and love should never be associated together, not at any point.

I lift my gaze to scan the room and find him across the dance floor, laughing with his coach and coach’s wife, and then his eyes lock with mine. It’s almost as if there’s an invisible string that’s somehow connecting us across the room. A pull. Like magnets gravitating toward one another, but never close enough to connect.


I tear my eyes from his, and look back at Reed, who’s calling my name.

“Yeah, sorry, what?”

He laughs. “I wanna introduce you to Coach Williamson’s son. He’s at Johnson & Skelter. First-year too.”

“Oh sure.”

We walk over to the same group of guys that Graham is talking to, and Reed makes introductions. I say a polite hello and do a decent job at keeping my gaze off Graham.

“Ross, this is Emery, my sister. She just got licensed and is a first-year at Johsnon and Montgomery. Wanted to make the introduction.”

Is Reed trying to play… matchmaker? What in the hell is happening right now?

I smile politely. “Hi, I’m Emery, but everyone calls me Em.”

Ross isn’t unattractive, not by any means. He’s the exact type of guy I go for. Tall, dark hair, clean cut, strong jaw. Tom Ford taste. Good head on his shoulders, but the classic can’t commit type. Suits me perfectly fine.

He steps a bit away from the group and gestures for me to join him. “I know this is a bit forward, but you’re gorgeous.”

I laugh. “Thanks.”

Hearing a scoff, I turn toward Graham, who’s standing next to Reed pretending to partake in small talk. I narrow my eyes at him then bring my attention back to Ross and smile sweetly.

“So how are you liking being an associate? Were you with them before you passed the bar?”

“Yeah, I’ve been interning since I was in law school. It’s great, I’ve just taken on a really great case and I’m excited to get to work.”

He nods, a wide smile on his too perfect teeth. “That’s great. We should get dinner sometime and discuss work. And other things.”

“Oh sure. My schedule is pretty packed right now though.”

“Well, I’ll get your number before I leave. How about a dance?”

God this is awkward as hell. Getting asked out in front of the man my vagina is apparently obsessed with is beyond uncomfortable.

“Uh, sure.”

He offers me his hand, and I follow him out onto the dance floor. Another slow, seductive melody plays through the speaker, and when he places his hand on the small of my back and pulls me forward, I swallow thickly.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance