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“You’re probably so used to it by now, but it is so insane to me that your brother plays in the NHL. Like, holy shit. He’s acelebrity.”

I shrug, tossing my hair over my shoulder. “He’s been playing hockey for years, so it’s second nature, I guess. It was kind of an adjustment at first. People recognizing him whenever we went out in public, throwing their underwear on his lawn, that sort of thing. Now it’s just who he is. His job is hockey, but when he’s at home, he’s just Reed.”

“No offense, but I’d throw my underwear at your brother, Em.” Ana giggles. “Actually, I have aseriouscrush on Hudson. He’s just… ugh, I would do anything for one night with him. Give me one night and it’s over for all the rest of those puck bunnies.”

My nose crinkles in distaste. I mean Hudson is an attractive guy, but one… he’s an athlete.

Number one on my “fuck no list.” And two… he’sHudson. He’s one of my brother’s best friends, which immediately puts him at the bottom of my “would you rather” list. Well, that and that night is seared into my memory. The night I found out exactly who Graham was.

I’ve grown up around athletes, specifically hockey players, and while there are lots of them I love, you couldn’t pay me to date one. I know exactly what goes on in those locker rooms. It’s bad enough that I have to hear my brother’s friends talk about puck bunnies twenty-four-seven.

No thanks.

I’ll stick to my business casual men who leave before the night is over.

Casual is the only type of commitment I’m interested in, period. Once upon a time, I gave my heart to someone who didn’t deserve it. An athlete who was more worried about fame and sticking his dick into girls that weren’t me. Now, I know better. My mom always said if it isn’t a lesson, then it’s a blessing. And I consider it a blessing that the truth was revealed before I did something crazy like marry him.

Honesty means everything to me. And knowing what most hockey players are like?

Not for me. Never again.

“Uh huh, nope,” Lea says, shaking her head. “It’s all Graham Adams for me. I don’t even care that he’s a manwhore. Those dimples, they melt me. And talk about beautiful. That man was built by God himself just for women’s enjoyment. Seriously, dirty blonde hair, dipped in honey eyes? I can’t. Not to mention he’s like six foot four. Tall guys are hot. Do not even get me started on what he looks like shirtless. I saw him jogging on some gossip site and I almost dropped my cold brew.”

My eyes roll, and I gag instinctively. “Eww.”

Out of all of my brother’s friends, Graham is dead last on my list. And do you want to know why?

Because his ego is the size of the arena he plays in. Not to mention, he’s the biggest playboy in the entire NHL and I know that for a fact. Why you ask? Because ofthatnight.

My mind drifts back to the night I knew that I wanted absolutelynothingto do with Graham Adams…

My hands tighten around the handle of the hockey stick I’m clutching for dear life.

Of course, the night I’m being the dutiful sister and house-sitting for Reed and Holland, someone is trying to break in.


This time I hear the commotion outside accompanied with what sounds like a… groan?

What the hell?

If this is a burglar, they’re absolutely shit at it.

I hold the stick higher as the door handle jiggles, swallowing down the fear in my throat.

God, what if they like… shoot me or something?

I barely have time to process the thought because the door swings open, and two figures, blanketed in the shadow of the dark, come tumbling through the front door and I take off full speed toward them, hockey stick raised high over my head.

Honestly, the battle cry that leaves my lips in the process of all of this is pretty fucking impressive, if I say so myself.

I bring the stick down on one of their heads and hear a loud, deep groan.

“What the fuck, Emery?”

Wait, how do they know my name? Oh God, maybe Reed has a psycho stalker.

Raising the hockey stick again, I’m about to smash it down on the psycho’s head once more when the figure next to him starts laughing.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance