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I’mofficiallylicensedto practice law in the state of Illinois.

I fucking did it, and it feels incredible to say it.

Emery Davidson, Attorney-at-law.

I passed the bar exam, after studying for what felt like forever, and of course manifesting the hell out of that shit. Mindset is everything after all.

And what better way to celebrate graduating law school and passing the bar exam on your first try, than getting drunk on Dom Perignon in your older brother’s stupidly large mansion with some of your girls?

I honestly can’t think of anything better, but then again, I really can’t think clearlyat allright now. Not after who knows how many glasses of expensive champagne, courtesy of the same hotshot NHL brother, that I’ve had tonight. After spending the last seven years with my head buried in books, and practically never resurfacing for air, I’m so excited to be able to breathe easier and know that it’s over.

“You did it, bitch!” Lea, my work bestie and lifeline for the past two years, squeals, holding up her glass. “Not that I had any doubt. We all know when Emery Davidson sets her mind on something, it is happening, come hell or high water.”

My friends laugh in unison because well… she’s right.

Tenacious, driven, and ambitious.

Those are just a few of the traits that describe my personality, and some of the best, I might add, which is why they’re listed on my Tinder profile that I made after a bottle of wine and never touched again last week.

Lea and Ana are my girls: two of the closest people to me and the onlyrealfriends I made at the University of Chicago through my law school journey. I seriously wouldn’t have made it without them. They were there through the sleepless nights. The long, endless nights where my eyes blurred after reading over countless law textbooks until I passed out on my books. Nights where I was so exhausted, I couldn’t hold my head up any longer. Through breakups and all of our girls’ nights out at The Lush Library, the bar down the street from the law library.

All that’s missing tonight is Holland, my best friend since middle school and now myactualsister for life after she and Reed, my brother, started dating and then tied the knot a few years ago.

They’re currently in Disney World with Evan, my nephew, and I miss the shit out of them.

Buuuuut… I am thankful that Reed and Holland left me to house-sit for the week in a house big enough for its own episode onMTV Cribs. Not to mention, they left the key to the liquor cabinet and I’ve been a struggling student for the past seven years, okay? My brother plays for the NHL; he can afford to give up a few bottles of Dom to celebrate something as momentous as his baby sister passing the bar exam.

Taking the bottle from Ana, I grip the neck and spin around in a circle, holding it above my head as my hips sway to Jack Harlow on the surround sound.

“I’m just so glad to be done. I’m not picking up another textbook for at least a year.” I laugh, bringing the bottle to my lips for a long swig. The bubbles are smooth, rich, and luxurious. My favorite way to celebrate. “I just feel so …free. I’m twenty-seven and single, on the way to becoming a partner in my law firm. Well, that’s the dream at least.”

Lea’s sing-song laugh echoes off the marble walls. “And girl, it’s sickening how you have such a great ass with all the Starbucks and cheap beer we’ve lived off through law school. Seriously.”

I smirk.

I do have a great ass, but that’s because even though I’ve spent more time studying than sleeping in the last few years, I always have time for squats. It’s one of the very few “rules” I set for myself fresh into college. Squats come first, top-shelf tequila second and steering clear of commitment third. At least where men are included. Outside of those rules? Anything goes.

That’s why I picked Landon; he was… fun. A tall, intelligent, averagely handsome paralegal at the law firm I work for. He was also perfectly fine with being the ‘hookup-only’ guy. Except he turned out to be a douche and cared more about his status at the firm than he did me.

Not that I’m heartbroken over our “breakup.” If anything, it was casual, neither of us really giving enough of the other to be invested, but he did break up with me over a two-sentence text.

So that sucked. But, whatever.

As always, I bounced back.

Like the bad bitch I am.

“This Dom is some serious shit, I am ddddddrunk.” Lea drags out the word, mumbling into her glass. Her curtain of black hair falls forward, and a drunken smirk sits on her lips.

“Same,” I agree, nodding my head.

Her black hair glistens under the chandelier as she whips her head around and grins wickedly. “You know, it was so nice of Reed to let you stay here while they were gone.”

I nod. That’s Reed, he’s the best guy I know. My best friend, but also the most annoying man on the planet, but I think that’s a brother thing.

“I know, it’s been nice. My house pales in comparison to this place.” I gesture at the living room. Holland and Reed spent months going over plans, and tweaking everything to make their forever home perfect, and it shows. It’s beautifully thought-out and it fits their family perfectly.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance