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Before I can even finish rambling, the sea horse is taken out of my hand and Reed’s yanking me to him and his lips are on mine. I missed him so much my chest ached and I didn’t realize how much until now.

When he pulls his mouth from mine and gazes at me, with a smirk on his lips, for the first time in a week, I feel like everything is going to be okay.

“Baby, I can’t believe that we just spent the past week apart over something so damn stupid.”

I nod, scrunching my nose. The entire thing could have been avoided had we just been honest with Emery… and ourselves.

“That’s what a relationship is. It’s learning to communicate and fix problems when things go awry. I’m learning. We’re learning. I promise no matter what, I won’t push you away. I’ll voice how I feel, and together, we can handle it.”

Reed leans down and kisses me again, so much that I’m breathless and my train of thought is completely disarrayed.

I pull back and nod toward the bag on the table. “This is Dill. Dill the dwarf seahorse. You know because octopuses are poisonous and kind of,” I lean in and whisper, “assholes. But he can be Pickles’s friend.”

Reed shakes his head. “I fucking love you.” He looks down at Evan who’s got his nose pressed against the aquarium. “Evan, buddy, Holland got an actual sea creature just for you.”

Evan nods. His little nose has made smear marks on the glass and it makes me laugh.

“Let’s get him set up in his new home. Where should we put him?” Reed asks.

Don’t say his room.

“My room!” Evan says and runs off in the direction of his bedroom.

Once he’s out of earshot, I look at Reed. “No way. He’ll end up with his hand in the tank before the night is over. Trust me. How about in the living room, on the sofa table?”

“Good idea.”

I help Reed set up the aquarium, and before I know it, the sun has gone down and Evan’s yawning.

“Are you tired, buddy?” I ask.

He shakes his head sleepily. I’ve missed him just as much as I’ve missed Reed.

I spend the next hour with Evan. Bathing him, helping him pick out his pajamas, spending more time gazing at Dill before his eyes are so heavy, he’s nodding off sitting up.

Motioning to Reed, I get him to grab Pickles from the counter and I carry Evan into his room, tucking him into bed. Reed sets Pickles down next to him, turns on his nightlight and then we walk out together.

“You know, it’s almost like we’re a… team.” Reed grins before he squats down and throws me over his shoulder.

I yelp loudly. “Oh god, Reed Aaron, put me down! Right now!”

When he smacks my ass, not once, but twice, I squeal. He’s carrying me to his room, and once we’re inside, he tosses me down onto the bed.

“I haven’t gotten a solid night’s sleep since the cabin. Time to pay up.”

He grins then climbs over me. His hard body molding to mine.

I haven’t slept either. If anything, I’ve spent more time wishing I was with him.

“Me either. I’m glad I got to talk to Em. Without her…You know, it’s kind of funny, she was the reason we decided to keep things a secret in the first place. And she ended up being the one that pushed us back together. It’s important to me to have her blessing.”

His dark, chocolate eyes hold mine and he nods. “She’s Em. Nothing would be the same if not for her dramatic productions. Love her, but it’s the truth. You know I’ve been thinking a lot over the past five days.”

“About?” I ask.

“You. Us. Evan,” Reed pulls me into his body, dropping kisses along my jaw, “I think you should move in with us.

I’m so shocked that I sit up abruptly and in the process bump into Reed.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance