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Emery groans. “God, you really do love her. It’s okay, you big douche. But you better promise to never lie to me again, or I will have to hurt you.”

I nod. “I swear.”

“And if you hurt her, well then, I’m going to hurt you. So beware.”

“Yeah, well, she won’t even talk to me, so I don’t think you have to worry about that.”

Emery flops back onto the couch dramatically, sighing. “I should talk to her. I need to talk to her. I’m not even mad at her for banging my brother. I’m just angry that she's my best friend and she lied to me.”

“I know.”

We sit together silently before Em springs up. “You know what. I’m going there.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Right now?”

“Yeah, sure, why not, she lives next door, you dork. I’ll see you later, okay?”

Is she kicking me out right now?

“Are you seriously kicking me out of Mom’s?”

She nods. “Go. I have things to fix, and people to see. Goodbye.” Her singsong voice carries into the other room.

Just like that, she’s gone, disappearing into her room, and I’m left sinking into the couch, wishing it was that easy to get Holland to speak to me.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance