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I’ve hada lot of injuries in my career. Broken bones, concussions, gashes from being thrown against the boards by two-hundred-and fifty-pound powerhouses. I’m no stranger to pain.

But the five days I’ve spent without Holland are by far the most painful ones of my entire fucking life. I’m a mess. So much so that Liam’s currently sitting across from me, looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

Probably have.

Holland hasn’t spoken to me in five days. My fucking sister hasn’t spoken to me in five days. Both of them have ignored my calls, my texts, the flowers that I had sent.

Dead silence.

And I miss her. God, I miss her laugh, I miss those fucking gummy worms. I miss her making fun of me every chance she gets.

I’m in a grumpy ass mood and now Liam is trying his version of an intervention. I don’t need an intervention; I need my girl. I need this mess to be over, and my sister not to be angry and my entire world not to be flipped on its ass.

“You’re not sitting here another day moping. Fuck, Reed, I’ve never seen you play so shitty in your life.” Liam grunts, kicking my Nike covered foot off of the ottoman onto the floor with more force than necessary.

“I’m not moping, shut up.”

He looks at me incredulously. “Listen to yourself. Get up. Go shower and pull your head out of your ass. Go to Emery, talk to her. Tell her what you’re feeling and end this shit.”

“It’s not that simple, Liam, she won’t even respond to my texts.”

“Then go over there. Your mom isn’t going to slam the door in your face. Sitting across the damn city from each other, being pissed off, isn’t going to solve anything. Take a shower first, you smell like sweaty socks.”

“You’re a dick,” I tell him begrudgingly, getting up from the couch and sniffing my armpit to check.

Damnit, I smell likeass.

“Shut up,” I bark when he smirks.

“It’s what I’m here for. I’m going to take Evan to the park with the girls and then to a movie, call me later.”

I walk by Evan’s room and he’s currently taking his ships and wrecking them into the tall Lego castle he’s built and rebuilt five times.

“Hey, bud, wanna go to the park with Uncle Liam, Ari and Ken?”

He drops the ship like it’s on fire and squeals, “Yes, please!” I make sure his backpack is packed, and he grabs Pickles from his bed, and I hand it over to Liam.

“He’s got extra pull-ups in there. We’re working on the potty, but sometimes, he still has accidents, so make sure you tell him when to go because he gets busy playing and he forgets and-”

“Dude. I have two kids, and a baby on the way,” Liam says.


“Sorry, habit.”

Liam claps me on the back. “Told you that you’d be an awesome Dad. Don’t worry about Evan. He’ll be having a blast. Worry about fixing the mess that you made.”

Easier said than done.I grumble to myself and shut the door behind them. Even though I know I need to, I am dreading seeing Emery. She’s liable to run me over with her car. She’s that mad. In our entire lives, we’ve never gone more than a weekend without speaking and now five days have passed.

After a quick shower, and change of clothes, I grab my keys and phone and head to my truck. I think about what I’m going to say the entire drive.

More like rehearse my apology and hope that Emery isn’t feeling like doing bodily harm.

There’s only one person in this world who scares me, and she’s five-foot-one and thinks coffee is a major food group.

Seriously, she’s fucking scary. Like a little rabid dog when she’s angry.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance