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“You want me to make it feel better? Make that ache inside of you go away?”

She nods furiously, arching off the bed when I slide my middle finger inside of her. I rub the spot while I suck her clit into my mouth, and watch as she begins to tighten around my finger. I’ll never get tired of seeing her fall apart and cave to the pleasure I bring her.

There’snothinglike it in the goddamn world.

I pull back and look up at her, only for our eyes to meet in an intense, burning stare. She pulls me back up her body and yanks at my shirt, desperately trying to get it off me. I reach behind my head and pull it off, all while watching her hungry eyes rake down my chest, to my abs then down to where my cock is straining against my grey sweatpants.

“You are the reason women love grey sweatpants.” She groans. Her tiny hand reaches out to rub my cock through my pants, and I’m surprised by her boldness. Maybe she’s caught up in the moment, but fuck, I love this side of her. She pushes me back onto the bed, hooking her pink nails into my waistband, and pulls my briefs down with my sweats. When my cock pops free, she puts both hands around me, pumping once and then twice, using her thumb to swirl the bead of precum seeping from the slit, causing me to groan out loud.

Holland sits up on her knees and pulls her bottom lip nervously into her mouth, then looks up through her thick, dark lashes. “I want to be on top. Is that… okay?”

I could fucking cry. Is. That. Okay? This woman really just asked me if she could ride my cock.

“Babe, you never have to ask for what you want. Take it.”

She looks at me sheepishly, her cheeks flushing red. I don’t let her retreat into her head; instead, I pull her back to me, desperate to feel her skin against mine, then bring my lips to hers. I run my hands up her waist then her sides, cupping her tits as she straddles me. The pert little peaks of her nipples stand upright, begging to be sucked. I lean up slightly and capture one between my teeth and tug lightly, causing her to moan.

Everywhere she touches blazes a path and I’m burning for her. Her warm, wet center is nestled against my cock and just another inch, I can slide inside her. She rises up on her knees and I fist my cock, dragging it through her folds. The broad head grinding against her clit. Her sharp intake of breath shows how much she likes that. We stay like that for a few moments, her rocking back and forth, dragging her clit against my cock.

Fuck, she feels incredible. Everything about her. Her scent, her body. I place my hands on her tits and squeeze gently then roll her nipple between my fingers.

One thing I’ve already learned about Holland is how responsive her nipples are. They’re sensitive, and each time I touch them, she seems to inch closer and closer to orgasm, and fuck, I want to see if I can make her come just from sucking and biting them. But, another time. I want her squeezing my cock when she comes this time.

The head of my cock nudges against her entrance, and she places her hands around me to line us up perfectly, and then slowly… so fucking slow, she inches down on me.

For the first time in my life, I swear I see Heaven.

White lights and blinding pleasure have me squeezing her hips to keep from thrusting up to the hilt inside her.

Holy fuck.

“Oh god,” she moans, slowly sliding down on me until I’m fully seated inside her.

I’m currently reciting the alphabet in my head in order to not come. I was not prepared for how tight or how fucking perfect she would feel wrapped around me, and now I feel like a teenager.

My eyes fly open to look at her above me. Her blonde hair falls in a curtain over her face as she begins to ride me, rising up then slamming herself back down on my cock.

“Holland,” I grunt, reaching up to push her hair back from her face so I can see how beautiful she is.

Her dark ocean eyes drag up to meet mine. This feels unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It feels like more than sex. More than two people trying to get each other off. When she slams back down on my cock, and my head nudges against the deepest part of her, I slide my hands around her back and flip us over in one swift motion. Now, she’s underneath me, and I’m putting her leg on my shoulder, so I can fuck her like I’ve been dying to since the first night I touched her. My hips slam into her, hard thrusts that send her farther up on the bed. I rub my thumb along her clit with each thrust and she palms her breasts, pulling at her nipples.

Seeing her touch herself is almost enough to cause me to spill inside of her, but I won’t without her.

“I want you to come on my cock, Holland. That’s it, baby,” I quicken my thumb against her clit, “milk my cock.”

“I’m coming,” she breathes. I lean forward and capture her lips, just as she squeezes my cock, exploding around me. She moans into my mouth, as her body shakes, and her hips tremble with the power of her orgasm.

Seconds later, I thrust deep and let go, coming inside of her. I can’t fucking move as my entire body is overcome with ecstasy. Nothing in the world has ever felt like Holland does wrapped around me, and I don’t think anything ever will again.

I’m ruined.

Her nails drag up my back, causing me to hiss, and I drop my forehead down to hers. Words escape me.

What do you say to the girl who just ruined you for anyone else?

“Wow.” She breathes, giggling.

I roll to my side, still inside of her, even though I’m starting to soften. I’m not ready to let her go. To let this entire moment go. Pulling her to my chest, I wrap my arms around her small body and she snuggles into the crook of my neck. We’re both a sweaty, sticky mess. And then I realize why we’re both as sticky as we are.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance