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Coach Rick is requiring me and Briggs to do some post-game interviews tonight, when all I want to do is get to Evan and Holland, but I know as soon as I get it done then I'm home free for the next two days.

I'm nursing my bottle of Gatorade as the reporters sit across from me. "So Reed, how are you feeling after that win?"

I plaster on my most charming smile before answering, "On top of the damn world."

Another round of cameras flash before a young girl in the back speaks. "Mr. Davidson, you've had one of the best years so far, stats wise, that you’ve ever had for the Avalanche. Anyone special you owe your success to?"

The question catches me off guard, but I quickly recover. "Maybe someone special." Followed by a wink.

Coach steps in. "That's enough for tonight. Thanks, everyone." He ushers Briggs and me from the chairs toward the side of the press room.

“Damn vultures, I swear. Good job tonight, Davidson, Wilson. Get some rest, I’ll see you in a few days.”

Briggs nods, and we walk over to where Asher, Graham, and Hudson are standing. Much like me, they’re amped up from tonight’s win.

“So, we heading out tonight? I need some bunny love,” Graham says. He’s eye-fucking a brunette from across the room, and I can tell he’s out in full force tonight.

“When do you not?” Asher grins.

“Tell me about it,” Briggs mutters.

Graham Adams is the rookie. The new kid, the fresh meat. Which means he’s the one that we give all the shit to, and the one most likely to get a medal for fucking the most puck bunnies in a year. The kid has a thing with the ladies that half of us wish we had, but honestly, he’s insane with a stick and a puck. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone skate as fast or as fluidly as he does. The only thing he doesn’t have going for him? His mouth.

“Look, I can’t help it if you’re suffering from fucking your fist because you can’t find a girl to fuck you, kinda problems. I’m good in that department.”

"Adams, if you keep talking, I’m going to break your legs off and beat you with them.”

I laugh. “I’m staying in tonight, gotta check on Evan.” He and Holland remained at the hotel, since it was a later than normal game, and damn, I’m ready to be there with them.

“Don’t you have a babysitter for that?” Hudson asks with his eyes glued to his phone. Asher elbows him for being a dick.

“First of all, she’s not a babysitter, she’s a family friend. Second, I don’t expect her to keep Evan while I’m out partying.”

Briggs nods. “Don’t worry, I’ll drink enough for the both of us.”

The five of us walk side by side out of the arena and to the shuttle bus that will take us back to the hotel.

“Stay out of trouble. Why don’t you come back to the hotel with me? We can grab a beer at the bar there. One that’s not crawling with bunnies and reporters waiting for you to fuck up.”

Briggs is still in deep shit with the team. He can’t keep his ass out of fights or from making headlines. Mark, the owner, and our coach have had enough of the bad publicity. As his best friend, I’m just trying to keep his ass in line.

A dark look crosses his face. “I don’t know why the media is up my ass all the time. I’m fucking over it.”

“Because you’ve got too much talent to waste it,” Asher says. He shoves his bag into the undercarriage of the bus. “You’re the best forward I’ve ever seen, without a fucking doubt, but you’re no good to the team if you’re sitting out or, hell, off the damn team.”

Briggs stays silent, his jaw clenched, before he brushes past us onto the bus without another word.

I know it’s a grey area for him, fuck I get it, but Asher’s right. If Briggs continues on this path, the only place he’s going to be is home on his couch without a team.

“Nobody better call me tonight if you go to jail. Call Sam because I am unavailable.” I grin.

“Can’t help it, you're like the dad of the team. Suits you, dude.” Graham claps me on the back.

The three of them take off in the opposite direction toward the parking lot, and I shove my bag in the compartment and join Briggs. He’s got his AirPods in, gazing out the window, and although I take a seat next to him, I don't say anything. He knows what’s at stake, and it’s up to him to get it together.

When we get back to the hotel, Briggs goes to his room without saying goodnight and I take the elevator up to my floor. Walking to my door, I slide my key card into the slot. The green light beeps then I let myself inside as quietly as I can.

Shit, I don’t realize how late it is until I see the glowing lights of the clock that say it’s past midnight. I toe off my shoes and look toward the bed and see Holland wrapped in the plush white blanket. Her honey hair fanned out around her.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance