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"Uh," I stammer, "it was great. Nothing special to report. You know Reed." I laugh nervously. God, this is not going to be easy. I swallow thickly, trying to push the guilt back down where it came from.

Thankfully, the waitress brings over our drinks and chips and salsa, saving me.

"How's work been going?"

Emery works for a law firm downtown, where she's going to be doing her internship after she graduates.

Her eyes, that are the same deep chocolate color as Reed's, light up at the mention of work. "Oh my god! I totally forgot to tell you. So, there's this paralegal that works on the third floor. He's super cute. Like tall, nerdy, but in a good way. He has amazing eyes and his smile is so perfect. Well, we got talking the other day and he asked if I wanted to go out. Duh, I totally said yes." She grins, raising her eyebrows. "And, he has a friend. We're totally setting you two up on a blind date."

My stomach drops, all the way out the bottom of the chair onto the floor. Not that Reed and I are anything beyond the friend with benefits thing, but I can't imagine seeing another guy while I'm sleeping with Reed. Not that it's part of the rules...

Which, also makes me feel like I might throw up because, until now, I didn't even think it would be something I needed to talk with Reed about. What if he's sleeping with other girls too?

Emery snaps her fingers in my face. "Hello? Holland?"

"Sorry, what?" I stutter, still obsessing over the scenario in my head.

"I said, when you get back next week, we're going to meet up and go on a double date. His friend is so dreamy. I think you two would get along so well. He's super into his job. He works at a children's hospital, I think. Anyway, what do you think?"

I think that I have to text Reed right now, or I'm just going to keep thinking about this. I have to make it clear that I'm not comfortable with him sleeping with anyone else.

"Sure, Em, sounds good," I say absentmindedly. It seems to appease her because she drops it and chows down on the chips and salsa.

I pull my phone from my bag and open my text exchange with Reed.

Me: This is random, sorry, but uh... this wasn't really discussed in our rules and I needed to know. Are you going to be sleeping with other girls, you know, while our arrangement is happening?

Waiting a few seconds to see if he opens it, I don't see the read status change, so I lock my phone and shove it back inside my purse. I'm overreacting. This is silly.

"You are on another planet tonight, babe," Emery says, shoving another chip in her mouth.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just have a lot going on."

There, not a lie, just... not the entire truth.

We finish our margaritas and chips, and then head back to my house. Emery's quieter on the way home, and I worry that I've upset her.

"You okay?" I bump her shoulder as we walk.

"Yeah, just didn't sleep great last night, I guess I was just excited. I'm going to spend the entire day with Evan tomorrow before you guys leave, and I can’t wait! We had so much fun the last time, and I just love being able to spend time with him."

I nod. "He's a great little guy. Reed is lucky he has him."

After a short walk, we're back at my front door. Emery looks at me. "Get some studying done, but don't stress yourself out, okay? I'm going to head out and try to get some sleep."

"Okay. Love you, Em." I pull her in for a hug. She squeezes me back tightly before whispering, "I love you, too, Holl."

I didn't expect it to be so hard. Keeping the truth from my best friend.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance