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God, he’s so handsome.

He extends his hand toward me. “Come shower with me. Please?”

I nod and place my hand in his. When I get to my feet, he slides his hands under my sweater, against my stomach, and trails them up, until he’s pulling the fabric over my head and tossing it aside. He kisses me as he unclasps my bra, letting my breasts spill free.

It’s always the thing I’m most conscious about, my stomach and breasts. I’m not rail thin; I have hips, thighs, and an ass. My breasts are heavy and full. I always shy away from this moment, but Reed’s gaze on my body makes me feel anything but self-conscious.

“You are perfect. I can’t get enough. These,” he cups my breasts in his hands, and they almost cover them fully. A perfect handful for Reed, “they’re made for me, for my hands, for my lips. Mine.”

He bends down and pulls my nipple into his mouth and rolls it between his tongue and teeth. The sensation is enough to cause my knees to go weak. He scrapes his teeth lightly against the sensitive tip and I shudder.

“Reed,” I pant. Pulling back, he looks at me. His deep chocolate eyes are locked on mine, and his breathing is labored just as mine is. Something passes between us, something I can’t place, but now I feel closer to him than ever.

He quickly removes my jeans, and the sheer satin panties I have on, leaving me completely bare in front of him. Out of habit, I want to cover myself, and when I move to, he catches my hand.

“Don’t. Don’t hide yourself from me. I want you, Holland, every single fucking inch of you.”

The words cause me to shiver in a lusty haze. He reaches down and picks me up then carries me into the bathroom, directly to the shower. The hot water has been going, so the walls are steamed over, and it billows from the scalding water.

Reed steps inside, lowering me to my feet once we’re under the spray. It feels heavenly, almost as good as the feel of his hands on me, but I haven’t felt anything that compares to the way Reed touches me.

That thought scares me. It terrifies me that when I’m with Reed… I feel so much. How powerless I become, falling for his charm.

He takes my chin in his fingers and tips my head up to look at him. “Get out of your head. Don’t let anything in the space between us right now. Feel us.”

I nod. He picks up the shampoo he put in the shower and squirts a generous amount into his hands and then puts it in my hair. Without warning, my body melts into his touch. He massages the shampoo into my scalp, washing it completely.

It’s intimate in a way that I’ve never experienced. Washing my hair, treating me tenderly with such care. After he’s done, he drops to his knees before me, just as I was only minutes ago.

I look at him questioningly, and he nuzzles his nose against my hip before kissing the spot where it dips. A spot I’ve hated for as long as I can remember, but suddenly, I’ve never loved it more. He dips his tongue inside my belly button.

Nothing has ever felt so erotic. Standing under a scalding spray, Reed still makes me shiver. With need. I’m caught in a fever dream and I never want to wake up. He continues his path lower until he reaches my pussy. Then, he lifts my leg to his shoulder, causing me to grip onto his hair to remain upright.

“Reed,” I cry.

“Shh, babe, I’ve got you.”

And then he uses his fingers to part my folds and lowers his mouth to my clit. The second his tongue flicks the sensitive, throbbing nub, I buck against his mouth.

Oh. My. God.

Reed Davidson is devouring me on his knees in the shower. I’ve had dreams of this very moment. For years, I’ve imagined this exact scenario in my head and now I know that nothing, and I mean nothing, compares to the real thing.

As one hand grips my hip and the other parts my pussy lips, he eats me like he’s been starving all day to do so. He laps at my pussy, sucking my clit into his mouth, and I can’t stop the moan that escapes my mouth. Pleasure like I’ve never known blossoms inside me, spilling into my limbs, making it even harder to stay upright.

Reed senses it because he stops abruptly, turning the water off and opening the shower door. Again, he scoops me off my feet. I’m soaking wet and dripping all over the floor, but it doesn’t faze him; he carries me into the room and tosses me on the bed. I don’t even have time to speak before he’s pulling me to the edge of the bed, so he can kneel on the floor.

He takes a long, languid swipe with his tongue from my entrance to my clit and my hands fist in the sheets, an anchor for the pleasure he’s pulling from my body.


My eyes roll back in my head as he dips his tongue inside me, thrusting in and out as he adds his thick finger, curving up and rubbing against the spot that has my back arching off the bed. His beard rubs against my thighs as he devours me, and I know for sure that I’ll feel him there tomorrow, a delicious burn that will be a steady reminder of this moment of pleasure.

“You are so responsive, fuck, it’s amazing,” he says between my thighs as he pushes another finger inside me.

I feel the waves of my orgasm cresting and when he sucks my clit into his mouth, hard, I crash.

My back bows and my hands abandon the sheets and fist into his hair instead, pulling him closer against me as the most powerful orgasm I’ve ever felt consumes my body. He continues to languidly fuck me with his fingers, alternating with his tongue, until my body is spent, and I’m a pile of bones.

Tags: Maren Moore Totally Pucked Romance