Page 64 of The Power of Fate

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“Good afternoon, Doctor. What is the update on Captain Stewart?” I hear someone ask the question, but it is so muffled in my head, I cannot discern who. I want to stand up, open my eyes, and leave this darkness.

My crew…Orion…the battle…

I continue to ask myself the same questions, day after day, but I never find an answer.

Where the hell am I?

Nausea…it won’t go away.

My arms are heavy.

I can’t move.

I’m floating again, but there is nothing here.


Only darkness.


“A musket ball grazed his head…fell to the deck…hit hard, it appears.”

More muffled talk.

“Will he make it?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Get me out of here…

“Alasdair! Where are you? Please! Alasdair, help me!” Ella’s voice is desperate.

“Ella! Can you hear me? Where are you? I can’t find you!”

I feel like I can’t breathe. Where is she? I hear her, but I can’t see her, I can’t see anything.


“Everything will be alright, son,” my father says, his voice deep and smooth. He’s strong, free from illness.

“Father! You are well?”

“Yes, Alasdair. I am well, as are Rory and your mother. She sends her love.”

My God, he sounds so young, and Mother…how can that be?

“Where is she? Can I see her?”

I wait, desperate for a reply.

“Father! Can I see her? Can I talk to Mother?”

There is noise, someone in the room.

Can you hear me? Please! Get me out of here!

The noise continues, but still, no reply.

Hello! Can anyone hear me? I need to get out of here!

I hear a door shut, and I am left in silence once again.

I know I haven’t been captured by the enemy, but I’ll be damned if I don’t feel like I have been. I’m confined to the darkness, and I can’t escape. For all I know, I’ve been here for days, maybe weeks. In and out of consciousness. I haven’t moved, yet I’m exhausted.

Ella, my love, I pray that you are well. I pray that we will be reunited soon. I pray that I will leave this dark and dreary abyss and return to your loving arms. I will return to you, Ella. I promise.

Tags: Alison E. Steuart Erotic