Page 42 of The Power of Fate

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My body heats with the thought of us coupling out here, in nature. “Are we to…um…here?”

“From the look in yer eyes, ye are quite pleased wi’ that notion. But, no, I would’na do that here wi’ all my men waiting fer us. However, ye can plan on it when we get home.” He stops then to kiss me, slow and sensual. I’ve missed this over the past few days, and now I desperately wish we had more time. Making love to Alasdair, here in this magnificent place, is like a fantasy I could beg to become a reality.

He slows the kiss, letting his lips meander around mine, melting my resolve to not change his mind. Pulling away, he looks down at the ribbon keeping the front of my gown closed. His right hand comes up to pull the bow loose, and then the left joins in to work the rest of the lacing free.

“As ye can see, I’ll be removing yer gown. When I’m done, I’ll remove my clothes as well.” He says this with complete focus on the task of unclothing me. I feel things happening to my body that I can’t control.

“And we are not to…” I whisper.

“No. We are to bathe.”

“To bathe?”

“Aye. T’will be a bit cold. But I can assure ye, the rest of our journey will be far more pleasant because we did.”

He is able to remove the top portion of my dress easily and is now working to free me of my petticoats. I look down to see the hard points of my breasts protruding through the thin fabric of my shift. A few minutes later, it is the only thing left covering my naked body.

Alasdair steps back to remove his clothes now. It seems erotic to stand here in this state of undress, watching him do the same. When his upper body is completely exposed, I feel gooseflesh tickle my skin. He is so incredibly sculpted, like nothing I ever imagined seeing with my own eyes.

He removes his boots and breeches next, and I cannot ignore the tightening of my chest and the tickling sensation in between my legs. His manhood isn’t erect as it has been every other time I have seen him unclothed, but it looks as if it wants to be. It is hanging and swollen, not quite as defined as when we come together, but still as enticing. I see it jump and become firmer, startling me as I gasp a small breath.

“Ella, ye can’na look at me wi’ such wanting. I will’na be able to control my cock stand knowing how badly ye want it.” His voice strains through his explanation.

“I’m sorry. I…I just… I’m sorry.” I turn away, embarrassed by my brazen behavior.

“There is no need to apologize, Ella. Ye can’na imagine how good it makes me feel that ye want me so freely.” He comes to me then, holding my face in his warm hands. “But we must at least try—” He laughs and kisses me playfully. “to maintain control. Though it be a mighty tall order.”

“Well, shall we get on with our bath? I am both excited and dreading how cold that water will be.”

“Aye, as am I. But that is what makes it so damned invigorating.”

He walks over to his travel bag and pulls something out. Turning back to me, he says, “Now, remove yer shift.”

The command makes my stomach twist in raw desire while my ingrained propriety is screaming,“Absolutely not!”

“Take it off, Ella. There is no one here but me, and I’m sure ye have’na forgotten, that lovely body is mine.”

Why does that make me want him to change his mind about us coming together, here, now, potential spectators be damned?

“Alright,” I agree and slowly begin lifting my shift up and eventually over my head.

“Stay like that. Let me look at ye,” he almost begs as I turn to hide. “There are no words to describe how magnificent ye are standing here in the light of day. Ye are the most beautiful woman in the world, Ella.”

My throat constricts at his compliment. I know he has traveled the world. I know he has been with other women. So, to witness his sincerity, unmistakable in his expression, stokes a sense of confidence not only in my sensuality but in my femininity. It’s as if I have become someone I’ve longed to be for a thousand years. I can’t explain what has happened with the simple act of removing my shift under a patch of sunlight next to a hidden paradise, with a man that is masculine perfection. I can’t stop the tear that escapes as my emotions soar with a special kind of joy.

“Are ye alright, Ella?” he asks as he wipes the tear away.

“Yes, Alasdair. Quite alright.”

I take his hand and walk toward a break in the rocks that creates a perfect path for us to enter the pond. Alasdair moves in front of me to get in first, then turns to take my hand. My breath catches as my feet touch the water.

“Come. ’Tis better to just get it over with. The more ye hesitate, the harder it is.”

He leans back and falls into the glassy surface of the pond, back stroking to its center, then stopping to go completely under. A few seconds later, he comes up and stands in the waist-deep water. He is stunning. The next thing I see has me tipping my head in confusion. He actually is bathing, with soap!

“You brought soap? I didn’t know you had that.”

“Aye. I cut a small piece off and had it in my satchel. Ye’ll be pleased to know it’s lavender.”

Tags: Alison E. Steuart Erotic