Page 29 of The Power of Fate

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She doesn’t respond right away. The bluntness of my reply seems to have come as a shock to her, but she doesn’t realize that I know it is also piquing her desire as well. I can see it in the sudden blackness of her eyes, the subtle opening of her mouth, and the lovely flush of her cheeks. I reach up to gently caress along her jawline and take a few small steps toward her. “The urge to kiss ye is overwhelming. Yer spell seems to become more powerful by the day.”

“You want to kiss me?”

“Aye, I do. More than I want to take my next breath.”

She moves closer now, wrapping one hand around my waist as the other comes up to cradle my neck. “Then please do.”

Without hesitation, my mouth is on hers, and God save me—it is incredible. Her lips are full and soft, yet firm like perfectly ripened fruit—its sweetness ready to be savored. My tongue and lips move around hers, sucking, licking, trying hard not to bite. I can’t resist. My teeth scrape across her full bottom lip just before I devour her again.

I pull her to me, needing more. She moans, and the sound of her longing hardens my cock to a full and painful erection.

“Ella,” I say, my lips firm against her mouth. “My God. What ye do to me. I can feel yer desire, and I swear to ye…” I pull away. Her lips are wet and red and swollen. My thumb sweeps across her mouth, and I press gently. “Open yer mouth.” She does, and I push my thumb inside. “Close yer lips around me…” Before I can tell her to suck, she does it on her own, full lips wrapped around the base, her warm tongue massaging the underside. When her eyes close and her head falls back, her mouth opens and she licks all the way to the tip.

“Christ!” I pull away fast and lean hard against my desk. “Where did ye learn how to do that? Are ye tryin’ to kill me?” My chest heaves, breathlessly. When she glances down, eyes widening, I realize my hand has a firm hold on the erection threatening to tear through my breeches. I release my hand and apologize. “I’m sorry. My desire for ye is like nothing I’ve ever known.”

She’s still looking at my cock, perfectly outlined behind the thin material. If she doesn’t stop, I may release simply from her wanton need that is about to swallow me whole. “I did that to you?” she asks, and I suddenly fear for her virginity.

I groan out a strained “Yes.”

“And your thumb…in my mouth. Is that…is that what you want me to do with this?” When she reaches forward to place her delicate hand on my rigid shaft, I damn near explode.

“Ella!” I grab onto her upper arms to hold her at a distance.Bloody Hell!Her sensual innocence is more erotic than anything I’ve ever experienced. I’m using every bit of restraint I can muster not to take her upstairs and teach her everything there is to know about carnal pleasure.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice is sad as she pulls away.

“No, no, Ella, do’na be sorry. It is I that should apologize.” I stop to bring her closer, tipping her chin up so she can see the truth in my eyes. “You will understand more after we are wed. You’ll know that yer touch drives me mad, in a good way, and the pleasure we will share will be like no other.”

“Did I hurt you when I touched you there?” Her eyes are glossy with concern.

“God no! The only thing that hurts is making ye stop!” We both smile at the vehemence behind that declaration. “We must do this properly. I will’na dishonor ye, Ella. I do’na ever want ye to have regrets about our marriage. It’s bad enough that it has been forced on ye. ’Tis a shame, ye know. I was truly looking forward to charming ye senseless with all my gallantry until ye finally gave in and agreed to be my wife.”

I reach down to take her hand in mine. It’s cool to the touch, soft. I lift it up to my lips, wanting to kiss the creamy surface. I pause to examine our contrast. Her hand is so small and elegant compared to mine that is battle-scarred and bronzed by the sun. I have a profound and sudden urge to protect her, not just now, but for eternity. I rest my lips on her skin and inhale a slow breath, letting her scent infuse my soul.

“That is what I came to discuss with you.” She snaps me out of the fog.

“Oh? Have ye changed yer mind about being my wife?”

“No, I have not. However, my mother insists on a rather large wedding ceremony, and that takes a tremendous amount of planning, which means it takes a great amount of time.”

“Aye, it does. But I am sure yer mother has been looking forward to this day since ye were born. I don’t believe I’m inclined to take that away from her. After all, I am hoping to be in the good graces of my future mother-in-law.”

“How wise of you, and yes, she has been planning for this event my whole life, and if the ceremony is large and traditional, it will look less like a marriage born in scandal.” It does not go unnoticed that Ella is becoming somewhat coy during this roundabout explanation.

“I’m afraid I’m missing something here, my dear. Where does the problem lie?”

“I don’t want to wait. Though you tend to test my patience with your overblown ego.” She stops to raise a brow at me.“I…I like the way you kiss me. I like how my body feels when you’re near—when you touch me.” Her head drops in shyness. “I’ve been dreaming about you touching me. And I do not wish to wait any longer.” She brings her eyes back to mine, her face flushed with desire.

Bloody fucking hell!My fated mate may end up bringing about my early demise.

“Lady Ella, I will do everything in my power to expedite our weddingandappease yer mother’s dream of giving ye away properly. But I must be honest; I am suddenly afraid of what ye will do when we are husband and wife, free to test the boundaries of our passion, and ye fully understand the power ye have over me.”

“I think it sounds fun,” she says with a grin and leans into me with surprising familiarity.

“Aye, it does. But bear in mind, my version of fun will push yer limits beyond anything you knew possible.”

Tags: Alison E. Steuart Erotic