Page 15 of The Power of Fate

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“That was’na a very convincingyes. Do ye think there’s a chance I could get ye to a very convincingno?”

She smiles before lowering her head. “You humiliated me, Lord Stewart. It was wrong of you to talk to me the way you did, and I think you knew that and enjoyed teasing my innocence.”

Her proud honesty lands heavily on my chest. “That is why I wanted to talk to ye. What happened that night—I know ye don’t wish to discuss it, and yer right, I should’na have been so forward... I’m sorry, Ella. I deserved what ye gave me.”

Her ocean eyes soften as she hears the apology she’s been waiting for, and I curse myself for being such an arrogant arse. Of its own volition, my hand slides forward to where her’s rests upon her lap. The tip of my finger hovers just above its flawless surface, and we both stare at it in strange anticipation. Her breath catches as my fingers wrap around her delicate hand and hold it protectively.

“Ye feel that, don’t ye?” I ask her. “That vibration that makes it hard to breathe? There is a connection between us—we cannot deny it, and it is’na something I believe is very common. It has a special meaning, and I need ye to know that I do not intend to overlook it. That would be impossible. After all, I am a Scot, and superstition runs through my veins.” She pulls her hand away in denial and possibly a bit of fear. “’Tis the truth, faerie maiden. I have thought of nothing but you since ye shut the door in my face at the ball.” I pause to let my words settle in. “Ye cast yer wee spell on me that night, and now I spend my days pacin’ the floors trying to conjure up ways to see ye again. And what about you, Ella? Have ye thought of nothing more than me since then?” I ask with a hint of humor, hoping to catch a glimpse of a smile.

She doesn’t answer, only stares at me with a look of innocent desire that makes me want to devour her mouth and every moan that tries to escape.

“The look on yer face tells me that deep down, ye will be pleased to know that I intend to begin courtin’ you starting today. Although I also know yer mind will tell ye to rebel against it. And that’s fine, too. T’will make it that much more fun to change it.”

“You are a very presumptuous man, Lord Stewart. And while I will admit there is some intrigue to this connection you speak of, I needyouto understand that my parents agreed a long time ago to allow me to choose my husband. Now, that may not mean very much to a man like you, but from where I sit, you have a very steep hill to climb if want to win my approval—I might even call it a cliff.” Her shoulders square again as she prepares for battle.

“Still looking down on me, aye, princess?” She stands her ground, silently answering my question by lifting her chin, tightening her lips, and attempting to look down her nose at me. “Be prepared. I am an excellent climber.”

Tags: Alison E. Steuart Erotic