Page 5 of The Stripe Zone

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Hallie jammed her tablet, camera, and the rest of the gear into her duffle bag and arranged the crowded storage area of her SUV. Slipping off her rubber boots, she wiggled her toes and decided to drive home barefoot.

Three weeks and nothing. Nothing but a few tracks. No hair samples or anything.

Twinging with disappointment, she worried she’d wasted the university zoological department’s time. But her research idea seemed so promising. It had all the necessary elements, like anecdotal evidence from the locals who’d reported strange animal sounds and large cat tracks around Bayou Rouge.

As a young, hopeful zoologist, she’d become starry-eyed and hopeful that she’d discover a rare jaguar or maybe a rare pair of breeding panthers deep in the swamp. She imagined how everyone would envy her diligence and how she successfully documented a once-in-a-generation discovery.

But part of her hopes hinged on the non-scientific approach. She had long hoped to find proof of the supernatural. God knew she’d come across more tales of cryptids and shifters than she could count. What if there was even a grain of truth to any of them? If she discovered proof, could she even disclose it? Probably not. If they did exist, their secrecy was their only real protection. Still, it would be fantastic and amazing to find out for herself.

But her time, and funding, were nearly up. But there was one discovery she’d just made, and she knew she’d have a hard time forgetting it anytime soon, or maybe she didn’t want to forget it at all.

Walking through a thick patch of tall grass, she had moved toward the sound of something splashing in the bayou. Whatever it was had to be big, and it wasn’t trying to be quiet. By the time she’d reached a good viewing point, the only movement she had detected was a man strolling across a pier toward a cabin. He was stark naked and the most amazing and hottest man she’d ever seen.

As he tossed his head back, he shook the water from his shoulder-length black hair. And his shoulders! They were broad and muscular, along with thick arms and bulging biceps. The water ran off his tall, chiseled frame. She couldn’t take her eyes off his perfectly rounded, tight ass as he walked away. “Damn it, turn around. Let’s see what else you’ve got going on,” she whispered.

She should have felt ashamed for looking at thefine-assstranger like he was nothing more than the most delectable steak she had ever laid her eyes on, but she didn’t. Nope. Not a single bit. Instead, her mouth watered, wanting to see far more of the delicious man and his very naked body.

But that was where the memory ended. Driving back to the city, she sighed. What she wouldn’t give to have bagged and tagged that wild beast.

How long has it been, anyway? Nearly a year? No. Well, probably it’s been a year. Maybe a little more.She’d been so engrossed in her research that she hadn’t even thought about dating. And although she certainly had her fantasies, sadly, that’s all they had been … fantasies.

“Damn, he was hot,” she said out loud, nearly missing the curve.

Maybe it’s time I take a break from work and devote myself to some personal research before I lose my mind. Or regain my virginity.She suddenly remembered her last appointment at the salon. She’d always kept on friendly terms with the only stylist she saw, Sierra. Recalling Sierra’s sudden and unmistakable glow, she asked her what was new in her life.

She wasn’t surprised to hear that a beautiful young woman like Sierra had found a good man, but she was shocked to learn how she’d done it.

Remembering that appointment, she smiled. Sierra had just told her the news.

“I’m not surprised you found a guy. A girl like you probably has them knocking down your door. But a dating agency? It just seems like you’d be the last person who needed one.”

“Listen. You have to know how crazy dating is out there. Especially if you’re looking for someone special. You should seriously consider it.” Sierra was reluctant to share the name of her matchmaker, but giving in to Hallie’s repeated requests, she finally shared the name, Gerri Wilder.

Continuing her drive home, she couldn’t shake the image of the man she’d spied on. By the time she pulled up in front of her apartment, she was ready for a cold shower.

“Fuck it. I’m going to see that Gerri Wilder woman and see if she can hook me up. God knows I need it.”

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal