Page 23 of My Obsession

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Peyton and I sit down at the desk to eat our food and I drag the folding chair over so we can sit side by side. I pull it as close as it can go and we sit down to eat. Our thighs are touching underneath the desk and I wrap one arm around the back of Peyton’s chair, rubbing her neck as we eat.

I love feeling her soft skin under my fingers and she moans as I rub out a stubborn knot. I want to hear her make that noise while I’ve got my tongue buried deep inside her. I want to see her face while I rock inside of her.

“So, tell me what you got done this morning.” She says as she polishes off the last of her lunch. I push my own bowl closer to her, offering her some of my food. She smiles at me but shakes her head no.

I go over all of the paperwork that I went through this morning. I organized and filed purchase orders, balanced their checkbook and did payroll. Then, I went through all of the other paperwork and organized it into neat piles. I ordered some office supplies and once they come in we can make labels so Peyton and Harley will know where to put the paperwork so that I can go through it easier.

I don’t tell Peyton that right away. I’m not sure how she would take it if I told her that I was moving in with her and helping her and Harley run their business. Soon it would be our businesses and our house but for right now, baby steps.

“I was thinking about staying in town for a couple more days.” I say, trying to ease her into the idea of me sticking around.

“For what?” She asks.

“For you, Peyton.”

Peyton freezes at my words and I wrap my arms around her as I continue.

“You have to feel this thing, this connection, between the two of us. I’ve never felt anything like this with anyone else before in my life and I want to stay here so that we can explore it further.”

I want to tell her that she’s mine, that I love her and I’m going to marry her but I can already tell that she’s freaked out enough. She still seems frozen and I rub my hands up and down her back as she processes everything that I just said.

Finally, she clears her throat and tries to pull away from me. My hands tighten, holding her in place and she tips her head up at me to give me a look.

“You can keep staying in Harley’s old room, if you want.” She offers.

Her eyes are looking anywhere but at me and I can’t stop the grin from stretching across my face.

“Yeah, I’d like that. I like that you want me to stay close to you, Pey.”

“It just makes sense for you to stay with me. I have a spare bedroom since Harley moved out.” She says but her eyes still won’t meet mine.

“Uh-huh.” I say with my smile still practically splitting my face.

I know that my girl will be harder to win over than that but man, am I going to love the challenge. I know that she already feels this thing between us or she would have corrected me when I told her how I felt. She would have let me down instead of inviting me to move in with her. She’s not ready to admit her feelings for me yet but I know in my heart that she’s feeling the same thing that I am. She’s my one and I’m hers too.

Peyton stands up to clear away our dishes and get back to work but I stop her. I take the dishes out of her hands and stack them back down on the desk before I pull Peyton back into my arms. Her body is warm and soft as I fit her against me and she looks up at me questioningly. Her hands rest on my chest and her fingers curl into my shirt. I wonder if she even realizes that she’s doing it. I like that she’s not running from me now. Instead, she’s pulling me closer.

It’s been two days and I can’t go another minute without knowing what her lips feel like under mine. I cup her face in my hands as my head lowers towards her. I can feel her fingers curl even further into my shirt as my lips hover a breath away from hers. Her big green eyes stare up at me and I stare back as our lips meet for the first time.

Her eyes flutter closed as my lips start to move over hers. Her lips are soft but firm under mine and she gasps as I lick against her bottom lip until she opens for me. I waste no time in licking my way into her mouth. Her tongue tangles with mine and we eat at each other’s mouths until we’re both breathless.

My hands trail down her neck to wrap around her waist. I tug her in closer to me until we’re pressed up against each other. I’m sure that she can feel my hard cock where it pulses against her round belly and she moans as she tries to rub herself against me harder. I groan as she moves against me and my hands trail up until I’m cupping her breasts. She gasps and moans into my mouth as my fingers pinch her nipples lightly. She must be wearing a thin bra because I can feel the hard peaks easily through her clothes.

She moans into my mouth, her hands tangling in my hair as my fingers continue their ministrations. I want to take the stiff buds into my mouth and feel them on my tongue. I wonder if I could make her come just by playing with her nipples.

She’s so warm and soft against me and I want nothing more than to lay her back on the desk and take her right here and now but I don’t want our first time to be in the back of her restaurant with the staff right outside the door. I’m sure that I will make love to Peyton in here at some point in our lives but not right now.

We break apart and I press my lips against her forehead.

“Wow.” She whispers and I nod in agreement. I wasn’t going to push her but after that kiss, I can’t wait any longer

“You’re mine, Peyton. I know this is fast but I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. You and me, we’re forever.”

She nods but I need more.

“I need to hear you say it, baby.”

“I’m yours, Hunter.”

My heart flips over in my chest before it calms. I brush my lips against hers once again before we head back out into the kitchen.

Tags: Shaw Hart Erotic