Page 2 of My Obsession

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I tried at every opportunity to talk to him. He had been nice to me but he had been nice to everyone. I used to fantasize about him asking me out. He would realize that he loved me too and we would be high school sweethearts. He would wait for me to graduate and then we would get married and start a family. It would be perfect; I just knew it.

I was devastated when he graduated after that year and moved away. He headed to Charleston where I learned he enrolled in the police academy. I tried to follow him on social media but he never got into it. That or all of his accounts were set to private because I could never find any trace of him.

I had only seen him once in all of those years that he was away. He had come back to visit his parents for Christmas the first year that he left. I had run into him at the little general store where everyone gets groceries. I had been so happy to see him but he couldn’t seem to get away from me fast enough. I didn’t see him for the rest of that trip and soon he was back on the mainland and out of my reach once again.

He came back to our small island about three months ago. I thought at first that it was just to visit his parents again but then he had surprised me by announcing that he was running for sheriff. I remember being calm when they had announced that he had won. That meant that he wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

I had gone to the small ceremony they had when he was sworn in and that was the first time that I had seen him since he came home for that Christmas. He looked the same as when we were kids. He had filled out a little more and seemed tanner. His hair was a little shorter than when he was a kid but all in all, he was the same Cooper that I saw every night in my dreams.

I had thought that now that he was back, we would have our chance. I was eighteen now and legal and we could finally be together. Imagine my disappointment when he still didn’t ask me out. I tried to convince myself that he just needed a week or two to settle in and then he would be knocking down Peyton and my door to sweep me off my feet. It’s been months now though and while we talk every day when he comes into the café to eat, it never goes past that.

I know that we belong together. I can feel it in every bone in my body. I just need to figure out a way to prove to him that there’s no one else for him but me.

I look up as the bell above the door chimes and my blue eyes lock in on Cooper as he takes his hat off and heads to his usual table in the corner. His eyes scan around the room, pausing on me and the familiar sparks fly between us as our eyes meet. He smiles secretly at me before he looks away and takes a seat.

Maybe it’s time that I stopped waiting for him to make a move and I came up with my own plan to show him just how perfect we are for each other.

Tags: Shaw Hart Erotic