Page 19 of My Obsession

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I follow Peyton into the house and try not to drip too much water on her floors. The house is small but cozy. She flips on some lights and I look around the living room. What looks like a second-hand couch is shoved under the front window. There’s a pair of beat-up end tables on either side of it with some papers piled on top.

I can see through the doorway and into the kitchen and it looks small as well with just a tiny table and two chairs in the corner. She leads me down the hallway and I smile as I check out some of the pictures she has hanging on the walls. Peyton is beaming in all of them with her hands wrapped around an older couple that I’m assuming are her parents or a bright blonde-haired girl who looks to be about the same age and I’m guessing that she’s her best friend and business partner.

She stops outside a closed bedroom door and tells me that I can stay there for the night. I want to stay with her but I’m guessing it’s too soon to offer that as a suggestion. I watch as Peyton heads into her room to grab me some towels and I have to fight myself from picturing her naked in her own shower. My cock starts to harden in my pants and I have to think about my grandma to get it under control.

Peyton comes back into the hallway with two fluffy towels and hands them to me.

“I’ll be right next door if you need anything else. Otherwise, I’m headed to bed. It’s been a long day and I have to be up early tomorrow.”

“Ok. Thanks for this. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night, Hunter.” She says as she backs out of the room.

“Sweet dreams, Peyton.” I say back before she disappears into her own room.

I take a quick shower and towel off before I slip into the bed. I tried to hang my clothes up so they won’t be all wrinkly tomorrow. I didn’t realize how tired I was but as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m out.

I wake the next morning when I hear movement out in the hallway. Peyton must be up already and I check my phone to see that it’s only 4 am. I spring out of bed and tug on my clothes in a hurry to catch her before she disappears. She said she had to be up early but I never thought that it would be this early.

I open the bedroom door and see Peyton heading down the hall to the kitchen. I follow after her and hear her swearing as I round the corner. She managed to spill coffee all over the counter and she swears again as she almost burns herself trying to clean it up.

It’s still raining hard outside and I wonder if the roads are flooded. Maybe then Peyton won’t leave and instead, we’ll be trapped in this house together. I wouldn’t mind being stranded here with her.

“Morning.” I say as I come up behind her.

Peyton gasps as she spins around to face me, spilling coffee all over the counter again. She sighs as her head drops forward and I chuckle as I walk over to help her clean up the mess.

“Why are you up so early?” I ask as I throw the dirty paper towels out.

“I have to open the café this morning. Usually, Harley does it since she loves getting up early but she’s on her honeymoon this week so I’m in charge of everything.” She smiles when she says it but I notice that she looks even more worn out this morning then she did when we left last night.

“Is the café going to be open in this weather? It’s still storming out and if it rained all night, I bet that the roads are starting to flood.”

“Ugh, I didn’t even think about that.” She says as she runs into the living room to look out the window.

I peek over her shoulder and see that the streets are covered in water. I doubt that anyone will be going out in this today which means that I’m going to have Peyton to myself for the whole day.

I watch as Peyton picks up her phone and opens some social media apps, typing out a quick message letting people know that they’ll be closed today due to the weather.

“You don’t have someone who does your social media and marketing for you?” I ask.

“No, everything is on Harley and I to do.” She says as she slips her phone back into her pocket.

“Hmm.” I say as a new idea starts to form in my head.

“Since I don’t need to go into the café, I’m going to head back to bed for a couple of hours.”

I nod at her as I follow her back down the hallway. I know that I’ll never be able to fall back asleep now so I decide to work instead. I head back into the guest room before I pull out my own phone and start to send messages. I get through all of my emails and text messages before I start to work on my plan to help Peyton and Harley with their business.

No wonder my girl looks so tired. Running a business, doing all of the cooking and cleaning, creating new menus, doing payroll, on top of marketing and social media is a ton of work and even splitting it between the two of them had to mean fifteen or sixteen-hour workdays for both of them.

I hear a noise in the hallway and I check my phone to see that it’s a little after eleven now. I slide off the bed and out into the hallway at the same time that Peyton is coming out of her room. Her eyes still look bleary and tired but the dark circles under them look better.

We smile at each other before Peyton trudges down the hallway and back into the kitchen. I laugh as I chuckle after her.

Tags: Shaw Hart Erotic