Page 103 of Romancing Summer

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I sigh, unable to think of anything except my devotion to this man and the family we’ve created together when he’s this close to me.

But then, the moment our lips part, I think of how Millie’s family must feel right now. I wonder if this came as a surprise to them as well.

The thought of her family makes me cock my head for a moment, picturing all of them at Harris’s wedding years ago.



And Maggie.


Between the two sisters, I connected with Maggie the best. She and I share that innate need for constant inspiration to fuel our careers.

I purse my lips thoughtfully, picturing the last time I got a holiday card from her. It was just her name I saw on it. No boyfriend significant enough to put his name on the address label along with hers. She lives just about an hour from us down in North Beach.


When I smile at the plan that is unfolding in my head, Mason’s eyes narrow on me suspiciously.

I glance at him and give a casual shrug. “Fine. If eloping is what worked best for them, if that’s what made them happiest, then who am I to question it?”

I set the card down on the fireplace mantle so that it won’t get damaged or stained by Astrid who turns everything into a coloring project these days. Even though it’s just a marriage announcement and not an invitation, it should still be preserved.

It might even inspire a scene I write one day. My hero and heroine racing off to get married before he next deploys.

Yeah, I could make that work.

“Why are you suddenly okay with this?” Mason asks.

Giving him my best poker face, I say innocently, “There will be other weddings I can attend, Mason.”

But inside, I’m grinning from ear to ear. Because I’ve got my eyes set on the next one right now.

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