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The women are still there, working on their makeup to make it look like they weren’t just snorting coke. Turning on the sink and letting the soap dispense into my hands, I scrub, then ask Kelly, “So who was that guy?”

“His name is Jake, John, or something like that. I’ve already forgotten. He’s looking to score tonight. Honestly, I’m not interested in that kind of a night,” she says, washing her hands as well while checking her reflection. We haven’t actually talked about sex as friends yet because it’s a bit of a sore subject since I really haven’t had any boyfriends. It’s my fault that I haven’t, but I haven’t met the right guy.

One of the women in the room gives a bit of advice. “These men all have money. Attach yourselves to the wealthy ones now. Once the season starts, they’ll be busy and you’ll be out of luck. Trust me, the men here are quick to be snatched up.” My brother would kill one of these men if they tried to hook up with me. Most of these men here are older than both he and my dad.

“Thanks.” I mutter, drying my hands.

“They think they’re too good for this life, don’t they?” she says to her friend loud enough for us to hear.

“It’s not that,” I insist.

“No?” they both say like freaking twins.


“We’re just not ready for any dating yet. We’re still in college,” Kelly adds.

“Oh, well, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. Maybe you can get one of these men to pay for your college or at least take you on some Christmas break trips. Trust me, girls. It’s very nice to get a brand-new ride while you meet your boyfriend and only have to see your sugar daddy on the side.” They giggle like it’s the natural thing to do. I try to school my expression and not be revolted by their behavior.

“We’ll think about it. Maybe for the next party,” I state. We move toward the exit and then Kelly holds the door for me. “Time to look for a sugar daddy,” I mutter as I walk out the bathroom door.

“Good evening, ladies,” a deep voice greets us. I look up at the tall wall of man and gasp. I’ve never seen a man so handsome before. My heart’s pounding in my chest as his eyes land on me. “A shame.”

Chapter Four


I’ve watched her all fucking night, and she’s lucky that she told every other man no to dancing or I’d have to bust some heads. I swear, never in my twenty-eight long fucking years have I looked at a woman and thought she belonged to me like I needed to bulldoze every other soul in the way to get to her. Still, it’s my job to keep the safety and security of this event running efficiently, so I can’t just up and claim my woman in front of everyone.

I may be the host, but it didn’t entirely work that way. I have someone who was the true face of the party, and everyone knows that. It had always been the way I operated.

No one here knows that my men have eyes and ears out everywhere looking for trouble, so when a matter arises, I have to deal with it instead of socializing with the guests, including two uninvited guests. They weren’t on the list. I know for certain that she snuck in, but she isn’t so slick. What she didn’t know is that I let her in because I wasn’t going to let her leave before I learned who she was and what her dreams and goals in life were.

“Danny, you will be escorting one of our uninvited guests home, now.”

“Coming.” I feel a sense of relief that I’ll get her alone and that her roommate will be safe with my second-in-command because he’s more than duty bound. He’s a perfect gentleman.

As she comes out of the bathroom, the words from her lips piss me off: Time to look for a sugar daddy. I’ll kill every fucking asshole in here if they even dare to offer her a dime for a bit of her attention. She’s mine.

I look straight at the blonde and address her. “Excuse me, Ms. Wills. That gentleman will be driving you to your dorm.”

“What?” she gasps slightly.

“You are safe, but I think you’ve had enough fun for the evening.”

“Ms. Reynolds, will you honor me with this dance?” I ask. It’s not really a question, though, because I won’t be taking no for an answer. I take her hand and lead her away from her friend.

She pulls back on my hand, aggravating me. I turn and face her with a scowl, hoping she doesn’t choose to cause a scene because she’s not going to win. If she wanted to sneak in and play with the big boys, she’s going to learn that I’m not one to lose.

Tags: C.M. Steele Reynolds Ranch Billionaire Romance