Page 9 of Melting Wynter

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He follows my lead, leaning out of his door. “I think she’s worth it. Why not spoil her?” He has the money to do it, so I don’t question him. We’re both trust fund kids, but where I don’t throw around money, Reece is all too happy to spend his.

Ten minutes later we’re dressed and smelling sexy as fuck, if I do say so myself. La Pearl is only a couple blocks away, but we hail a cab.

The cabbie grabs our money and takes off, horn blaring, once we get out. The smell of pasta, spices, and garlic seeps from the front door, capturing every sense as we make our way to the hostess stand. Glancing around the waiting area, I don’t see anyone I recognize. It’s busy tonight and waiters are bustling here and there with trays of food. A blonde enters behind us and smiles as she approaches. “Reece?”

“Well, hello, gorgeous.” My roommate croons at this blonde. She’s a picture-perfect blonde, but nothing really stands out when I think about the one woman that has a stranglehold on my mind. He leans down to kiss her cheek and then pulls back, looking behind her.

“She’s here, just ran to the bathroom to freshen up. I had to beg her to come. She’s not a fan of the double-blind date idea.”

I chuckle to myself because that sounds exactly like someone else I know. As if I call her from my thoughts, I watch as Wynter Carlisle walks across the waiting area fiddling with her dress. She hasn’t seen me yet, so I take advantage of looking her over.

Addison is gorgeous, but nothing captures my attention like the stunning redhead that lights me on fire with lust and anger. Her eyes find mine and widen in horror briefly before quickly fading to a glare. I smile back.There she is.

I elbow my friend. “Reece, are you going to introduce me to the ladies?”

He clears his throat. “Addison, this is Weston. West, Addison… and this is…”

“Chief.” Not even looking at my friend, I smile while she rolls her eyes, mumbling something under her breath.

“Croix…” My name is bitter on her lips like she’s eating acid while speaking it. My inner self is so freaking gleeful. Tonight is about to get very interesting.

“Wait, you two know each other?” Reece smiles and Addison looks between Wynter and I, confused.

Wynter looks to Addison and they exchange thoughts without ever speaking. “Oh, I didn’t even put it together when he said his roommate's name was West.”

“Of course you didn’t,” she spits venomously. They start their own side conversation, leaving us to chat amongst ourselves.

He leans over to me and whispers, “So, I’m officially in the presence of the infamous Ice Queen?”

I nod. “The one and only.”

“Holy crap, man, she looks like she’s got murder on the brain and I bet she’d be smoking doing it. Why didn’t you mention she was this hot?”

A slight chuckle leaves me. “She may be pretty on the eyes dude, but it stops there. She’s got a hard-on for hating me. Let the games begin.”

His eyes widen as he realizes the entire scene of the situation about to take place before him. He narrows his eyes and points his finger at me. “Behave. I like Addison. Do not mess this up with your sex eyes and mind games.”

I throw my hands up in defense. “I’ll be on my best behavior. Cross my heart.” I swipe my fingers in anxover my heart for extra effect and wink. I’m a dick sometimes, what can I say?

The hostess calls our name, and we follow her to the table. I can’t take my eyes off the gorgeous ass in front of me. I feel like I’m being led to the watering hole, drinking water for the first time in years.

Reece pulls out the chair for Addison, ever the gentleman, and she smiles up at him. I try to do the same and Wynter looks at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. I approach to help her anyhow and she sneers, “I’ve got it, I don’t need help. Especially from you.”

“Sure you do.” Sitting down across from her at the wooden four-top table, I smile.

Addison looks at me curiously. “So, Weston. You and my girl work together. The picture I painted of you in my head doesn’t do you justice at all.” Her eyes sparkle with a hint of laughter as she looks back at Wynter. “I see what you mean about him.”

My ears perk up. Wynter has been talking about me to her best friend? I can only imagine what she’s been told. “Oh, I have a reputation already? I’m intrigued. What has Chief shared? My charm, my strong jawline, my humor… I’m dying to know.”

I can feel her eyes burning holes into the side of my face. Turning toward her, I watch her roll her eyes like a freaking teenager, not amused by my audacity. Addison never responds and I keep wondering about her comment.

A waiter approaches, taking our drink order.

Reece orders a bottle of wine and the server brings bread and butter to tide us over until dinner. As soon as he leaves, Reece leans over to Addison. “It’s nice to meet you in person. Let me apologize for my roommate here. He appears as a dick, but I know somewhere in there is a heart. Though it be but small.”

A sarcastic laugh slips from Wynter. “That’s probably not the only thing that’s small about him.”

I wink. “I’ll take you up on the offer to check any time you want, sweetheart.”

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance