Page 6 of Melting Wynter

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“We’ve been over this, I live here and screw off,” I say dully, rolling my eyes.

“No, I mean. What are you doing here at my apartment?”

I sigh. “The apartment above me has a water leak, and I came up to speak with the owner of the apartment. Who… to my delight, is apparently you. I have three inches of water all over my apartment because of you.”

He crosses his arms over his chest and I can’t help but admire the arms of his suit pulling tightly. “And you’re sure it’s from us?”

“Yes, I’m sure. And now I’m wondering if maybe you had something to do with it personally.” I waggle my finger at him.

Hands on his hips and a smirk spreads across his beautiful face. “You really think I intentionally flooded your apartment. Please enlighten me, Chief, why would I pick only your apartment to flood?”

“Hell if I know, but it seems like something you would do.” I glare at him a little harder, but his face shows nothing but truth. He really had nothing to do with the flood.

He sighs. “Ok, let me know if you need us to do anything.”

“Us?” Of course, he’d have a woman in there with him. Does he have a girlfriend? I would hope not with the way he flirts, but with men these days sometimes you can’t always tell.

“Yep, it’s my roommate and me.”

Interesting.I nod. “Well, turning off the main water valve for your unit would be a great start. Oh, and obviously I won’t be in to work today let the office know. But not in a creepy I-know-what-my-boss-did last night way. Just let them know they can reach me by phone or email if anything comes up.”

“Will do, boss.” He salutes me like I’m a drill sergeant. Shaking my head, I turn to walk away when his manly voice wraps around me like a warm breeze, forcing my halt. “Hey, Wynter.”

I turn to look at him, and the smirk is back. He points to my outfit “I like this little outfit. You should wear it more often.”

Straightening my shoulders, I throw a ‘bite me’and middle finger over my shoulder at him as I storm away. He yells after me,anytime.

Weston Croix, one. Wynter Carlisle, zero.

How in the hell am I going to survive this man at work and knowing that he lives above me? Jamming the button on the elevator, I will it to open up and swallow me whole, but I can’t show him he’s getting to me. I have to remain stoic, the Ice Queen, his words, not mine. As the elevator doors close, I see him standing in the hallway smiling at me. How is he always so calm and in control when I get weak in the knees every time he’s near me?

Great. Really freaking great, Wynter.

Heading back into the mess that is my apartment, I huff. This is the last thing I want to deal with today, especially when he’s involved.

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance