Page 44 of Melting Wynter

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Wynter calleda meeting this afternoon after being off work a week. I knew it was coming, but I hadn’t fully prepared myself for how hard it would be to sit across the table from her. It’s killing me to sit here and watch her smile as she attempts to get the employees to like her more. Telling them to come to her with any issues or concerns and she would be happy to help.

I’m glad she’s making an effort with them. Since she started, she kept to herself, kept her door closed, and remained unsocial. According to the speech this afternoon, all that will change. She’s growing as a person and I can’t help but admire it.

I try so hard to pull my eyes away from her, to stop staring, but I fail every time. She’d look at me, and I’d look away quickly, as if I weren’t sitting there gawking like a loser with a broken heart. I’m not sure what I expected from our talk today.

Maybe for her to change her mind. To take back not wanting us. Not wanting to try. All she’d done was question why I’m giving up. Like she expects me to keep trying… Why would I do that when she’s told me time and time again that it won’t happen?

The meeting finally ends, and I feel a slight reprieve.

REECE:How’d it go?

ME: About as good as I expected.

REECE: She didn’t change her mind?

ME: I didn’t expect her to. She’s been adamantly against it from the start.

REECE: I’m sorry, man. I’ll buy ya a beer tonight.

ME: Can’t, dude. Carlisle Fundraising Gala tonight.

REECE You’re still going?

ME: No choice.

REECE: Take a date.

ME: Why?

REECE: Have you thought about making her jealous?

ME: Is it worth it?

REECE Do you love her?

ME: . . .

REECE: Get. A. Date. Make her hella jealous. I think you might like the results.

ME: If you say so.

Where in the world am I going to scrounge up a date in a little under four hours? Then a thought occurs to me.

ME: What’s your sister doing tonight? Any way she’d help me out?

REECE: The last thing I want to think about is you using Kalli to make someone jealous, so we aren’t going to talk about it and I don’t want to hear about where your hands were and if you kissed her, got it?

ME: I’ll keep it PG-13, bud.

REECE: Fine, let me text her. I make no promises.

ME: Thanks.

Unknown Number:Hey, it’s Kalliope. Reece tells me you need a little help to make your lady love jealous this evening? I’ve got your back, stud.

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance