Page 21 of Melting Wynter

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I’mup early the next morning to go for a run. Running is always a release for me- a chance to escape and enjoy the outdoors while breathing in some fresh air. I’m not sleeping. The couple in the room next door was at it again last night and I’ve debated asking the front desk to switch my room more times than I can count and I've been here a week.

They don’t help my sleep issues or my man issues. Their moans and groans make me remember everything. I have to fight the urge to close my eyes and picture his head between my legs like I imagine the guy next door doing with his girl.

I ran six blocks when I lived at The Gardens, three down and back to La Pearl.

Now that I’m here, La Pearl is a bit of a farther run, but I accept the extra time. I wear my favorite sweatpants and a sweatshirt. It’s comfortable, and the mornings are becoming chilly as the days drag on.I should try a spinning class, I think to myself. I’m on my way back to the hotel, about to pass The Gardens when I realize where I am. I haven’t even thought about the possibility of seeing him this morning.

Picking up speed, I pray that I’ll miss him. I almost make it past when Jacob opens the door for none other than Weston Croix. I swear I can’t escape this guy if I try. I’ve stopped running and stand watching as Weston walks my way without seeing me at first.

His eyes find mine and that stupid, perfect smirk crosses his lips. He gives me a casual perusal, his eyes lighting up like he’s remembering the night before when I fell from grace for a brief second.Jerk.“Wynter, looking stunning this morning. I’m telling you this look… it, damn, really works for you.”

I blow the hair out of my face, flip him off, and take off at a jog away from him. I don’t even glance back, I won’t give him that satisfaction.

Getting back to the hotel, I’m a sweaty mess. Stopping by the front desk, I ask for an extra set of towels and the receptionist apologizes, promising to make amends for missing my room yesterday. I thank her, catching the elevator to my room. I head straight for the bathroom to take a shower, thankful I’m the only one using it. If I were staying with Weston and Reece, I’d probably have to share a bathroom with someone.

Only one of the many reasons I’m glad about my decision to not stay there.

Addison calls me while I’m in the middle of getting dressed and I answer, putting it on speaker.

“What’s up, Adds?” I answer, trying to wiggle my dress over my hips.

“Hey, girl. I wanted to talk last night, but I figured you were asleep by the time we got home. What happened between you and Weston? And don’t you dare tell me nothing.”

I sigh. “Nothing exciting. We fucked in the bathroom.”

I imagine her eyes growing to the size of saucers. “Excuse me?!” her voice screeches, and I immediately shush her. I nod my head even though she can’t see me through the phone. “I cannot believe that you did the dirty with your arch-nemesis. Let alone in a bar bathroom! I love you, Wynter, but that’s kind of disgusting.” She pauses for effect. “Anyway, how was it?”

“Adds, it was sex, and I didn’t see much of his body.”

She blows out a breath as I slip on one shoe, then the other. “So, it was bad? Well, that’s a surprise. I never would have seen that coming, especially with the charm and flirt he throws around at people.”

“Okay, fine. It was the best sex I’ve ever had. Is that what you want to hear?”

She cheers over the speaker. “Get it, Wynter.”

I sigh. “There won’t be any more getting it, Adds. I’m technically his boss and I do not plan on giving him a repeat.”

“But it was great! You said so! Great sex deserves seconds, thirds, fourths, hell even fifths.”

“Adds, please drop it,” I plead with her.

There’s a moment of silence before she responds. “Okay, so no more hot sex with one of the hottest bachelors I’ve ever seen, got it.” The timer on my phone goes off and I reach over to grab it.

“Crap, Adds. I really need to get going.” Ending the conversation, I flatten down my dress, throw on some makeup and head toward the door. On the way out, I grab my purse.

I have the cabbie drop me off at Sugar and Spice Bakery so I can grab some pastries and coffee on the way. It isn’t far from the office so I decide to walk the rest of the way instead of trying to hail another cab.

This morning I’ll enact my be-nice-to-Weston plan and hope it blows his tiny little man mind. Balancing the box of pastries and coffee, I slip through the sliding glass doors and hop on the elevator. I’ve never ridden the elevator with this many people. Clasping the box of pastries and coffees close to my chest, I try not to invade anyone else’s space. When the elevator stops on the floor, I excuse myself and step off.

I drop off the box of goodies and coffees in the break room before I meander to my office. A sense of calm washes over me when I realize I’m the first to arrive at work. I sit down, holding one of the coffees between my palms, inhaling the scent of java beans doused with cream and sugar.

The bittersweet aroma is my lifeline to waking up. It chases away the tired eyes and enormous yawns. I inhale deeply. Coffee is something only pure magic can create, nature's instant mood brightener. I’d swear it was nectar for the Gods at one point.

The space gets louder as chatter erupts around me in flutters of life. I hear his voice before I see him.He’s here.

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance