Page 19 of Melting Wynter

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What in theever-living hell did I do?

Everything inside urges me to run out of that bar, go to the hotel, and pretend that none of tonight ever happened, but I’d left my bag at the table. I stop long enough to take a deep breath and steel myself as I walk back to where Adds, Reece, and Eric sit chatting and laughing. I can’t believe I fucked Weston in the bathroom while this seemingly sweet guy had waited for me.

Straight up, I’m a foolish, foolish girl. Time to face the music and pretend like I hadn’t had the best sex of my life. And that it hadn’t been with him.

Reaching the table, I don’t dare look Eric in the eye. I don’t want to admit what happened while he sat here and waited on me. I pick up my things and make eye contact with Addison.

“Adds, I think I’m going to head home for the night. I’m getting a nasty headache and this live music tonight is not helping.” Her face scrunches in confusion.

“Wyn, you just got here. I feel like we never hang out anymore,” she protests, her mouth in the form of a pout.

“Look, I didn’t sleep well last night and had to rush this morning to get done. I’ll meet you later this week, okay?”

My eyes finally drift to Eric, guilt curdling my insides. “Thank you so much for buying me that drink. It was nice meeting you.”

His smile is so charming, but all I want to do is wipe it off his face. The same as he’d do if he knew what I was doing not five minutes ago. “We should do it again sometime, Wynter.”

I smile. “Sure.”

Waving again, I turn around to leave before anyone else says anything or before I have to see him again.

I rush out the door, pausing when I hear my name. “Wynter, wait up!” Addison rushes out after me, panting as she catches up to me, turning me around to face her. “Hey, what happened in there?”

“Nothing… it’s just…” I have no clue how in the hell I’m going to explain what happened between Weston and me. It’s been years since I had sex with Frances or even wanted to, but tonight was different. I wanted to, and I wanted it with him. Struggling to get a grip on my thoughts, I try again. “I’m tired. I have a headache and I want to curl up and sleep. And honestly, I don’t feel like being social anymore tonight.”

She knows this is true for me. I’m not social, against everything my parents wish of me, yet another place I fall short. I’ve never been a fan of the dinner parties or social events my parents attend. Exchanging pleasantries and fake smiles. They always felt stuffy to me. It’s why the only event I attend a year is the Carlisle Gala Ball. It’s the event everyone goes to.

“Is it because he’s here? We can totally go somewhere else. If you want to hang out one on one we can do that too, seriously. Reece will have to understand I need some girl time.”

“Honestly, Adds. I promise I’m fine. I think I need a break tonight. Maybe we can do this again when the guys aren’t around?”

Searching my face, she lets out a sigh. “Ok, fine, but I’m holding you to it. Pinky promise.”

I smile at my friend. She’s always so caring.

“Hey,” she speaks as I turn again to walk away. “Text me when you get back to the hotel. I want to make sure you get home, okay? I still don’t like you going alone.”

“Anything for you, Adds.”

Taking the cab ride back to my temporary residence, I tip the driver and get out, happy to be away from the cigarette smell that lingers inside the cab from his last smoke break.

I feel a sense of sadness as my feet move toward the hotel. I want to go to my cozy home at The Gardens, not this place, but I can’t go there right now… because we’d had a flood. Caused by none other than Weston… I need to stop thinking about him. The desire to don my old, comfy, worn, and raggedy sweatpants, curl up on the couch, and read a book while sipping on a hot mug of tea is overwhelming.

A bit of anger creeps in again. I can’t do that. The urge to blame them for it burns deep, but it’s not honestly their fault.

Letting myself in with the keycard, I throw my purse and keys on the table.

I immediately text Adds, letting her know I’m home. The scent of his cologne and sweat still lingers on my skin as I make my way to the bathroom.

The guys and Addison will probably be out for a while, so I don’t worry about her texting me back immediately. I fill up the tub for a bath almost missing the ding from my phone, alerting me to an incoming text message.

ADDS: Are you sure everything’s okay? You kinda ran out of here like your ass was on fire.

ME: I’m cool, Adds. Today was a shit day and honestly, I want to chill. Hot bath + sexy book = life. I’m ticked the hotel doesn’t offer bubbles for my bath though. Seriously, who does that...

Tags: Zoey Drake Romance