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“Not as impressive as yours.”

“No BS. Hit me with it—”

“Have you been eavesdropping again?”

I jerked around, shoulders tense as I saw her standing there, watching me with narrowed eyes.

When she stacked her hands on her hips, looking like my mother of old and not the one who was frightened of her own shadow, I had confirmation that she’d been acting odd because of the whole pedophile thing and not that I’d been bugging her phone.


I didn’t want to talk about it. Speaking about it with Lodestar was the last time I ever wanted to talk about it again.

Heaving a sigh, I told her, “I don’t eavesdrop.”

“What did I tell you as a boy, Conor?”

“That eavesdroppers never hear good of themselves. I don’t do it for fun,” I grumbled.

“No, I’ll bet your father asked you to do it for him.” She huffed but her heels clacked as she walked toward me. “Replay that.”

I cut her a look. “You’d be eavesdropping too.”

Ma arched a brow. “Replay the recording.”

I hunched my shoulders. “Da won’t like it.”

“Your father knows that I don’t care whether he likes it or not anymore. Play the damn recording, Conor!”

Her bark had me huffing but I queued it up to where she might have listened, trying not to reveal anymore of Eoghan and Finn’s conversation to her than was strictly necessary.

Her expression turned blank, but she shot me a look and asked, “Is that the State of the Union in the background?”


“He’s talking about the president?”

“Seems like.”

“Aoife’sthatDavidson’s daughter?”

Spying her pinched expression, I pulled a face but didn’t answer. “That seems to be the inference.”

When she plunked her ass on her chair, I quit the program and shut down the computer. Macs breathed better after a shut down. I figured this would do them some good.

“What are you doing here, Ma?” I muttered. “Aside from listening to shit you shouldn’t be listening to.” A thought occurred to me. “Where’s the coffee?”

“Coffee?” she repeated blankly.


“It’s percolating.” She blinked at me. “Aoife’s the president’s love child?”

“Well, I don’t have DNA proof of that—”

“Finn sounded certain.”

I couldn’t argue—he did.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic