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I hated coming here.

I knew what I was, never forgot where I came from, but this was just a reminder. I couldn’t imagine being Declan and having to come here every fucking day, and it was one of the reasons I was determined my children would never have to do what I did for a living. My brothers’ kids, either.

With Aoife’s earnest joy still filling my heart, it was strange to stand here, in this grim place, where evil shit went down, and say, “Eoghan told me you’ve been calling him.”

Though I knew he’d seen me coming, my second-youngest brother peered up at me from his laptop and dismissed me, “I called Eoghan, not you.”

“I told him I’d deal with whatever problem you’ve got on your hands, seeing as he’s on his honeymoon.”

Declan arched a brow. “You don’t like getting your hands dirty.”

I scowled at him. “Do you like it? It’s not exactly somethingtolike, is it?”

“True. Not unless you’re Da.” He squinted at me, took in my Gucci suit and coat with a twitch of his lips. “You’re not dressed for it.”

“You got a problem with Gucci?” I mocked, tugging on my lapels as I straightened up.

“No, but Gucci might have a problem with you getting blood all over that.” He wafted a hand up and down and asked, “How much did that cost anyway?”

“Like you don’t have expensive suits,” was my wry reply.

“I don’t wear them in this warehouse,” he retorted, getting to his booted feet and approaching me.

“I can see why.” I peered around. “What did you want from Eoghan, Dec?”

“I don’t think you really want to know, Finn.”

“If you were talking about torture, then you’d have called Aidan or Brennan in, not Eoghan. Stop with the petty BS. I might sit behind a desk, but I started at the exact same place you did.”

He folded his arms across his chest. “Do you speak fucking Russian?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“Of course, he says,” Dec rumbled, rolling his eyes.

“Eoghan speaks it?”

“You know what he’s like. Reads the dictionary fucking once and knows what it all means.”

“Knowing what it means and understanding it are two different things entirely,” I retorted.

“Well, hoorah for me you can speak the fucking lingo.” He grunted like he was annoyed.

“Is this about Sullivan or Walsh?” I asked warily, naming the Five Pointers who’d been Sparrow informants.

“No. They came forward on Armistice Day. Why would they be here?”

I shrugged. “Maybe Senior told you something he didn’t tell me. Maybe he went back on his word.”

“He didn’t. For once,” Declan intoned grimly. “He hasn’t mentioned any measures he wants put in place to draw out any Sparrow informants who didn’t come forward. At least, not to me. Maybe he’s told you seeing as you’re in the golden circle.”

His scorn had me huffing. “I ain’t in the golden circle, whatever the fuck that means.”

Da had Conor spying on every Five Pointer and he hadn’t informed me of that.

Some goddamn golden circle.

The day Aidan, Brennan, and Declan discovered what Kid was up to, I’d watch the beating with a bag of popcorn.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic