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I hummed. “And when the tiniest fucking problem is more complicated than trying to solve world hunger but you’ll still do it if it means they’ll stop being so goddamn sad.”

Aidan blew out a breath. “Falling in love is complicated.”

“Could have told you that.”

“Why didn’t you?”

I grinned. “Because there’s nothing better in this shitty fucking world we live in than having a woman at your side who’ll go to warwithyou andforyou. It’s a fate I’d wish on all my brothers.”

“You got your wish,” he drawled.

“Apart from with Conor.”

“He’s in love with Lodestar.”

“They ever meet?”


“Trust Conor to fall in love with a handle.”

Aidan snorted. “I think they’re more in contact than we think.”

“Should goddamn hope so if he loves her,” I grumbled.

“You’ll talk with Aoife?”

“I will. I make no promises though.” I took a second to process what he’d told me. “Christ, Jen is really an O’Donnelly?”

“She is. I know it’s crazy.”

“Man, she was after you like flies around shit in the early days.”

He grunted. “Trust me, my mind went there.”

I laughed but said, “I’ll speak to you later.”

“Cheers, bro.”

Cutting the call, I flipped onto my message app.

Me:I think you deserve a spanking.

Aoife:Why? I haven’t done anything.

Me:It’s what you haven’t told me that’s the problem.

Aoife:It was told to me in confidence!

Me:That you know exactly what I’m talking about is where we have an issue.

Aoife:It was Jen’s secret to tell. Not mine.

Me:It pertains to the family. You know better, Aoife.

Aoife:I don’t deserve a spanking.

Me:Since when do you decide when you deserve a spanking or not?

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic