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“Yeah,” I said on a rough exhalation, though I figured I had my answer from his tone alone.

“Yup.” He clicked his tongue in exasperation. “And let me tell you, we’re boring as fuck. You’d think with a bunch of criminals, our runners would at least have something fucking interesting to talk about but nope.”

“Can he do this?” I demanded.

“This is Senior, Finn, of course he can do this. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.”

I knew my brother too well though, so I muttered, “He couldn’t do it without you. That means you agree with it.”

“In part.”

“Kid, this ain't like you.”

“One of my goddamn crew wasn’t a Sparrow before, Finn,” he rasped. “One of the people I treated like he was blood hadn’t triggered a drive-by that almost killed my sister.

“Bet your fucking ass I think we need to be on the hunt for these assholes. I’m working with Lodestar to target their bank accounts, but it’s slow going. I want these sons of bitches eradicated.”

My brows lifted. “You doing okay, Conor?”

“Since when do you guys speak Japanese?” Eoghan groused, breaking into our call before Conor could answer me.

“It isn’t Japanese. It’s Korean, dumbass,” Conor corrected, clearly hearing Eoghan’s grumbling though we weren't on speaker.

Because I knew he wouldn't let it drop, I told Eoghan, “It's Korean.”

“I didn’t know you spoke that, Finn,” Aoife called out, and when I shot her a look, my temper from before faded some.

Sure, she might glance at that book cover model and get hot under the collar, but only I could make her get that heavy-lidded look. I was the guy whom she burned that energy off on.

There was no need to be jealous.

It was the guilt talking.

That motherfucking Catholic guilt that plagued me despite the fact I wasn’t even really goddamn Catholic anymore.

“I speak four other languages too,” I told my woman, aware I growled the words, even more aware when she bit her bottom lip.


Eoghan elbowed me in the side. “Someone’s getting lucky tonight.”

My lips twisted into a smirk. “Still feel like babysitting?”

“If it’ll cheer you up, sure.”

“I think he needs to have a good fuck. Finn’s been miserable recently. Aoife,” Conor called out, loud enough to hurt my ear, “you need to—”

Eyes wide, I didn’t let him answer. I cut the call then shot her a look and saw she was frowning at me.

“He’s not wrong.” Her head tipped to the side as she studied me, and I knew we were going to be talking about this later.

Not about the sex. She, more than anyone, knew I was on her like white on rice. But her concern was clear because I had been more stressed than usual.

“Did you catch the Crashers’ game last night?”

I jerked my gaze from hers and, after glancing at Eoghan, muttered, “There wasn’t a game.”

“Nah, I know, but doubt she does,” he mocked. “I figured I’d stop that conversation in its tracks before you ended up having bluer balls than you do now.”

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic