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Brennan agreed, “Da held his location over her head. He wants to talk to her, and he’s willing to use whatever leverage he’s got to get her out in the open.”

“Why would he want that?” I demanded.

“Tell him what you heard, Eoghan,” Dec inserted.

“According to a friend, the ECD have been targeting the First Lady for a while.”

“The friend is a trustworthy source?” I queried.


“She wanted their tagline in that dishware Aela was making,” Dec argued. “She’s a friend of the ECD.”

“She’s a friend of Michael,” I countered. “Maybe Keegan blames her for Michelle’s death? We know she was there that day.”

“I tried to call Da,” Junior inserted, “but there was no answer. I think he must have left his phone behind.”

“What time’s their meeting?” I asked.

“Three on the nose.”

I stared down at my watch and grimaced. “Which way’s the cemetery?” I demanded of Eric the second I cut the call.

He blinked. “It’s just down that road there.”

“I want you to find me something near Acuig Corp., Eric. I don’t want to cross the river twice a day, do you hear me?” I sniped.

Aoife had just agreed to move out of the Victoria, but only if I vetted the properties first. I didn’t have time to be pissing around on Eric’s supposed ‘once in a lifetime’ deals.

“I hear you, Mr. O’Grady.”

“You better,” I intoned grimly, watching as he gulped and took a step away from me.

Smart man.

I headed out of the apartment, running down the stairs instead of using the elevator when it was taking too long to arrive.

When I was out on the road, I took off at a steady run. It was five to three, so I’d make it there faster if I didn’t grab a cab and get stuck in more traffic.

As I ran, I had to admit that the neighborhood was nice. I thought Aoife would like it here, and the condo, while not to my taste in its current style, might be something she appreciated. Sure, I’d have to cross the river for work, but that wasn’t much of a sacrifice if she liked it.

Eric would have been better off walking me around the neighborhood than showing me that fucking ugly condo.

When I made it into the cemetery, it took me a second to remember where Paddy was buried. But as I headed in that direction, I saw his crypt in the distance.

Surrounded by angels how it was, you’d have thought the Pope was buried within that tomb and not a mobster.

But the second I saw the crypt, I also saw a lone figure standing by the graveside. He had his back to the road, his head down, and because of the bright white of his hair gleaming in the low sun, I knew it was my father.

He’d been salt and pepper earlier in the year, but now all the darker tones had faded away.

I didn’t know if it was because of the breakdown of the family, or if it was learning what had happened to Conor, or if it was the two combined, but Senior was a broken man now. It was clear to see in his stooped shoulders. His withered frame.

Was he sick?

I didn’t know.

Lena hadn’t told me the last time I’d seen her.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic