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Lily shrugged. “I know. It’s the truth though.”

I hadn’t noticed much difference. Other than her being bloodthirstier inCall of Dutyand her working longer hours, that is.

“Who’s looking after Kati?”

“Her sister, Alessa, and her partner, Maverick.”

Rubbing a hand over my face, I muttered, “She’d never leave Kati behind.”

“But she did,” Lily retorted, shivering as a nasty gust of wind swept her hair away from her neck.

I peered up at the sky, grimacing when I saw rain was coming. Either that or snow.

The weather had been acting weird. We’d had some snowfall a week ago so anything was possible… and they said climate change wasn’t real. Snow in late September? It was barely fall.

“She wouldn’t have left Kati behind without a good reason.” I thought back to the last time I’d spoken with her and demanded, “When did she leave?”

“I’m not entirely sure. Star keeps peculiar hours. Kati was being bullied again,” she offered with a grimace. “Star has an unusual way of dealing with things, and it was only when the principal demanded to speak with her that Alessa realized she’d left.”

Unease made the hairs at the back of my neck stand on edge.

I rasped, “Kati didn’t tell anyone she’d left?”


“Can I speak with her?”

Lily shook her head. “I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

My mouth tensed, but I nodded. Star wouldn’t like it if I pumped her daughter for answers, either.

“Thank you for being so candid.”

I wasn’t sure why, but after a short study of my person, she sighed. “If it’s any consolation, she left her rig behind.”

Hope swelled inside me. “She did?”

Lily nodded.

If she’d left her computers behind then… “She’ll be back.”

“I didn’t doubt she would be. I don’t think Kati would be taking it so well if—” She broke off. “You mean… you thought she was going to hurt herself?”

“No, not that.”

“You think she’s in danger?”

Tension filled me as I murmured, “Yes, I think she is.”

Her hand snatched out to grip a hold of my arm. “Will you try to find her?”

I gritted my teeth at her touch and grated out, “Oh, make no bones about it. I will.”

A few minutes later, I left Lily behind, and though my temper was at war with my concern, as I rode away, I shoved my AirPod back into my ear.

I wasn’t interested in whatever bullshit my father was involved in, but I knew I had to be.

On the ride home, I couldn’t do anything to help locate Star, but this was something Icoulddo.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic