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“Sorry, Dad. You’re right.”

I got to my feet, and after he did, I leaned my arm on his shoulder. “I usually am. Just don’t tell your mom that.”

When he laughed, I smiled and squeezed him as I guided him out of the door and, hopefully, down a different path than the one he’d started to take.

“We all have choices in this life, Shay,” I told him softly as we headed for the exit. “You’re going to get hit with plenty of them soon enough.

“Drugs and pussy and all kinds of shit you shouldn’t get involved in. Think about that future you want before you do anything dumb. One mistake and that’s it. That future could be gone,butwe won’t be gone. No matter how hard you fuck up, your mom and I will be here. Okay?”

He peered up at me. “You mean that?”

“I do.”

His smile was all O’Donnelly. “Thanks, Dad.”

“No problem, son.” I squeezed him again before I let him go to lock up the workshop. “Get into the car,” I told him, even as I grabbed my cellphone and shot out a message to one of the contractors we used to get a goddamn skylight installed ASAP.

Who was pussywhipped around here? Not me, that was for fucking sure.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic