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Jen:That bitch!

Aoife:What?! Who?

Jen:Savannah. Can you believe it? She’s getting married before me.

Aoife:Lol. Is that all?

Jen:IS THAT ALL? She did it on purpose.

Aoife:Yes, Jen. I’m sure your best friend decided to get married first just to spite you.

Aoife:I swear you’ve turned more melodramatic since you got pregnant.


Aoife:What conspiracy have you cooked up?

Jen:I bet she wants me to be her bridesmaid. She’ll pick one of those skank sisters of hers as maid of honor.


Jen:So?! I should be her MATRON of honor. But she’s getting married first.

Aoife:Take that up with the bride, lol.

Jen:Like you’ll escape that fate. She’ll ask you to be a part of the bridal party too.

Aoife:I asked her not to.

Jen:She won’t listen.

Aoife:She will. Finn talked with Aidan about it.

Jen:Do you think Jerkface Junior will listen to Luc?

Aoife:I doubt it. Lol.

Jen:Damn. Fucking Irish. Always sticking together.

Aoife:Like you can argue with that! You’re Irish too!


Jen:By the way, you’re not getting out of it with me. I hope you know that.

Aoife:I know, lol.

Jen:Matron of honor. That’s on you where I’m concerned.

Aoife:Well, I won’t mind then.

Jen:You’d better not. I’ll get Luc to make sure that cunt isn’t invited. I never did like Lena.

Aoife:Thanks, babe. <3

Jen:I’m still mad that it took you so long to tell me what she did.

Aoife:I’m sorry for turning into a turtle.

Jen:Gah, just remember I’m always there for you next time, yeah?

Aoife:I won’t forget. :* Anyway, I don’t want to cause any problems between the Irish and the Italians.

Jen:Like Luc would allow that.

Aoife:He isn’t God, Jen.

Jen:He is in bed.


Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic