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I crossed my legs to reduce the ache, watching that serious look on his face morph into a smug smile.

Anyone else, I’d want to slap them.

With Aidan, I’d happily drop to my knees and suck his cock.

It was bizarre, but that wasn’t a complaint.

The men all moved over to their women, sitting beside them on the massive sofa.

Aela didn’t let Declan tug her down though, she sniped, “I don’t care if she’s their grandmother. What she did was fucked up.”

“Agreed,” Eoghan said easily. “But we’re not a regular family.”

She scowled. “Regular? There’s regular and there’s the fact your mom killed Aoife’s.”

“I’m aware of what happened.”

Aela growled under her breath, and Declan stated, “You don’t have to come as often.”

“We don’t?” she asked warily.

He shook his head. “You don’t.”

I was surprised by the concession, doubly surprised he hadn’t told her to calm down like men always did. But while it soothed Aela’s temper, she sagged and shuffled over to the seat, cuddling into Declan in the most tender move I’d seen her make.

They were an odd couple.

They bickered a lot in front of the family. I got the feeling Declan liked that though. She wasn’t afraid to stand up to him.

“You could stop coming too,” Aela said in a small voice.

“Finn knows we have his back, and we support Aoife wholeheartedly,” Aidan commented, “but it’s different for us.”

I turned to shoot him a surprised glance. He grabbed my hand, squeezed it, and while I was still the noob here, and I was well aware that I had no rights to wade into the fray, I knew I had to change the subject onto one that was less incendiary.

Inessa looked like she was about to cry, which was an interesting response. Lena wasn’thermom, but she was clearly distressed.

Torn, I guessed was the right way to describe it.

Camille was much the same. Both of them had huddled in to their other halves the second they’d approached.

“Did Finn leave with Aoife?” I asked, deciding to shift gears.

Aidan shot me a grateful glance. “He just left. Conor did as well.”

“I heard fighting earlier.”

Eoghan snorted. “Fighting? Not likely.”

“Who was it? None of you look bruised.”

“Didn’t you see the man who came by to visit?” Declan inquired gruffly, pressing a kiss to Aela’s temple.

“No. We came in here to start a council of war,” I said, to which Aidan laughed, but it wasn’t mocking.

“After you guys became the UN, our uncle stopped by.”

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic