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It was why I tried to help her find a rich sugar daddy. If she found someone, then they’d protect her, keep her safe.


Her mother’s boyfriend?

That blindsided me.

“Because he was attacking me.” She rolled her eyes as she squatted down in front of me. “I didn’t do it for fun.”

I rubbed my temple as my mind warred with the knowledge that Jen had killed her mom’s boyfriend, and it led to little spots dancing in front of my eyes. “Why were you even with him?”

“He came to my place. I didn’t shut the damn door properly. It was my fault for being stupid, but he barged in, and then…” She reached up and fingered a tiny Band-Aid on her earlobe. “He dragged my earring off so he could pawn it.”

“You’re joking.” But it wasn’t a question. My gaze followed the passage of her fingers and I cringed, both with the idea of how much that would have hurt all while I felt the same kind of pain in my being.

“No. He groped me, started saying shit like he’d make more money if he whored me out instead of my mother. So… I stopped him.”

“Why are you telling me this?” I choked, wondering if I looked like a pressure cooker that was on the brink of exploding.

God, after this weekend, this was just too fucking much.

She stared down at the floor, and I immediately felt guilty. Here she was, confessing this horrible thing to me and she probably wanted back up, and all I could think was that I wanted to huddle on the floor and cry.

God, that sounded so good.

The pain had abated this weekend, and it had made me forget about what the doctor had said. But there was no forgetting it when my body was giving me a reminder to end all reminders.

“I need your help with Conor.”

Whatever I’d expected her to say, it wasn’t that. “Conor?” I blurted out. “O’Donnelly? Conor O’Donnelly?”

“How many Conors do we know?”

I swallowed because she had a point, but I wasn’t sure if I’d ever look at Conor in the same light again. “Why do you need help with him?”

“Maybe I don’t. Maybe Finn will help.” She sucked in a breath that she released on a whoosh, alongside: “But… I started dating someone.”

Jesus. Would the hits never end?

I gaped at her. “You’re dating someone?!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It was just a fling, until it wasn’t. His name’s Luciu Valentini. I think he’s been arrested for Vlad’s murder.

“I tried his place and the club he owns but…nada. I can’t get any information. I need Conor, or Finn, to get me some.”

My eyes felt blurry as I whispered, “Why? Can’t you just ask this Luciu’s family?”

“I need to know what’s happening and his brother’s a dick.”

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were dating someone.”

“I didn’t think it was serious.”

“It’s serious enough that you’re here asking for a favor from the Irish Mob,” I sniped before I reached up and rubbed my forehead again. “Why do I know that name?” It rang a bell, I just wasn’t sure from where.

“He has ties to the mafia,” she mumbled under her breath.

I clicked my fingers as I remembered overhearing Finn and Aidan talking about him during the holidays. “He’s the Cheshire Cat smile guy.”

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic