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It took a while, and I watched on in horror but with a sense of relief too as it let my mind catch up.

Michelle had been targeted.

Aoife had also been in danger, and might still be despite what Davidson had told us.

I sank to the ground, the wall at my back, and I let my forearms hang over my raised knees so I could continue watching the video.

After a couple minutes, Michael gurgled, and Conor pulled back.

“Who were you working for?” Kid directed.

Michael sucked in a breath, and call me crazy, but I knew the next words to spill from his lips were going to be a lie. “I don’t know. I just had a contact, and when I informed them of the guards’ presence, he told me to pull back. To wait. But then Finn started seeing her, and they married, and that changed things.”

“Is she still in danger?”

“Aidan brokered her safety into the deal.”

“He’s ECD, Finn,” Conor called out. “Ma discovered that nasty truth the other day. It’s taken me all this time to get him to talk.”


Thosecheilefuckers who thought nothing of blowing up innocents in their fight for a unified Ireland?

How the hell had Aoife and her mom gotten onto their radar? Was it because of their links to Alan Davidson? Or the fact that Eamonn Keegan, with whom they shared a surname, was the leader of the group and he had enemies?

I needed answers so I phoned him.

“I’m busy, Finn.”

“What the fuck is going on, Kid?”

“I don’t know, brother, but something shady for sure. The ECD don’t just target American citizens for no reason at all.”

“Michelle wasn’t a citizen. She was Irish.”

Kid hummed. “She got her green card.”

“She was still Irish.”

Another scream sounded in the background.

“Can you stop that?” I muttered on a growl. “It’s fucking distracting. Ask him. Ask him why they targeted Aoife.”

“You heard him,” he argued. “He just said he got his orders from someone up high.”

“I don’t believe him. I think he’s lying about Elizabeth Davidson too.”

Kid was silent a second. “I’ll work on getting you answers.”

“Thank you,” I rasped, but I couldn’t stop myself from inquiring, “Why has Lena gotten you involved in this, Kid?”

“Because she doesn’t trust Da. Says he knew that Michael was ECD, but he never told her.”

My eyes widened at that, but I persisted, “Why did she stickyouon this? Why not Brennan? Aidan? Declan, or even me, for fuck’s sake?”

Conor had a whacked up way of doing this because of his fascination with everything AC/DC—and we weren’t just talking about the band here—but Lena didn’t know that, did she?

“Because she knows I won’t go to Da, and probably because Eoghan doesn’t do close-up shit.” He sniffed. “I might do his bidding, but it’s on my terms. You’re all up his ass.”

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic