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Lodestar:You still sulking?

aCooooig:I don’t sulk.

Lodestar:Seems to me like you do.

aCooooig:I don’t sulk. I’m just busy.

Lodestar:Busy doing what? O.o

aCooooig:Testing a prototype.

Lodestar:For my Christmas gift?

My lips twitched. So she hadn’t forgotten.

aCooooig:Not exactly.

I deployed the program and ignored Michael when he screamed again.

Lodestar:For what then?

aCooooig:Specialty cuffs.

Lodestar:You into bondage? Would never have pegged you as being into that.


Lodestar:I don’t know. You don’t give off sub or Dom vibes, I guess.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

What was it with everyone thinking I was a pussy?

Lodestar:Still, it’s always the quiet ones.

aCooooig:You know, I just said that to someone.


aCooooig:You really want to know?

Lodestar:Sure. Wouldn’t have asked otherwise.

aCooooig:Wanna go on cam?

Lodestar:Last time we went on cam, I got nothing but attitude from you.

aCooooig:You cheated.

Lodestar:I did not! I’m just better at shooting than you.

aCooooig:We need a rematch.

My computer pinged as she started a video call.

“I started the vid solely so you could see me roll my eyes,” she declared as she rolled her eyes.

I rolled them back.

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic