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His gaze shuttered. “Does it matter?”

“Is Fenris? Is he acheile?”

“Whether he is or isn’t, it doesn’t matter,” he said firmly, and his tone told me to drop it.

Michael had never spoken to me like this before; but then, if he were acheile,everything we’d ever discussed, endured together, was a lie.


“It matters,” I snarled, hands bunching into fists as I thought about how long and how deep this betrayal truly ran.

“Aidan Sr. is loyal to the cause,” he grated out. “We’re no harm among his ranks.”

“You’re a harm,” I denied. “Youcheilesalways put the cause before anything else.”

Why had Aidan placed him as my guard when that was nothing but the truth?

Michael’s mouth tightened, confirming that we were on the same page—that hewouldput the ECD’s goals before me.

They were all the same. Always sacrificing the people who mattered for a cause that would never come to pass.

“You lied to me. For years,” I breathed. “Even though you know my roots.” I wasn’t a sympathizer, but I’d never go against the ECD.

Only a fool would do that.

He looked away. “I didn’t lie.”

“You lied,” I reiterated. “If ever there was a time to come out with the truth, Michael Byrne, it’s on your deathbed.”

“I think you should go.” He turned up the TV, and the news blared on before I could argue.

‘Footage of a heated conversation between President Davidson and Irish Prime Minister Nathaniel O’Leary has leaked online.

‘The recording appears to show both leaders standing in the Rose Garden, with the First Lady acting as a go-between for both men.

‘A leak from within the White House said that the conversation was tense, with Prime Minister O’Leary repeatedly raising his voice at the president.

‘The video, since its posting, has had over two million views because of the unprecedented support the president has given to the concept of a unified Ireland—’

As I watched the footage, I lifted a hand to scratch at my neck, and from out of nowhere, a distant memory floated to the surface.

Elizabeth Davidson, our First Lady, taunting me outside Michelle Keegan’s tearoom.

Michelle Keegan’s death. Bymyhand.

Michael jumping into the car and yelling at me to drive away.

But what I knew now changed everything, didn’t it?

It was all too much of a coincidence.

Aoife was Alan Davidson’s daughter, not Aidan’s.

Finn was Aidan’s son.

Michelle Keegan had nothing to do with my husband. Nothing whatsoever.


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