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"Wake up!"

Immediately, I jolted awake, sitting upright and doing a pretty damn good impression of Dracula coming out of his coffin as I demanded, "What is it? The Sparrows? Russians? Italians?"

"No, it’s Christmas, Aidan."

I jerked back like I’d been shot, then I blustered, "Conor, what the fuck are you doing in here?"

"Waking you up," he groused back.

Casting Savannah a glance, seeing she’d somehow slept through the alarm that was my younger brother, I grabbed the sheets and hauled them over us when I saw a sliver of her nipple peeping out. Her legs were also bared, the bandage covering up some of her modesty, and I growled, "Turn away, Conor. Right this fucking second."

"I got my own woman. I ain’t interested in yours," he scoffed. "Anyway, hurry the fuck up. You know we can’t open presents unless everyone’s downstairs."

I blinked. "Since when do you have a woman?"

Naturally, the one thing I wanted to know, he didn’t answer. Just scurried away like the pain in my ass he was.

Flopping back into the mattress, I yawned as I peered at the clock, cursing when I saw it was four AM.

"Fucker," I grumbled, before I turned on my side and hauled Savannah into me.

She came, cuddling into me the second she resettled against my side. Skin to skin. Christ, did she know how good she felt?

How many bitches had I fucked just wishing they were her?

How much goddamn time had I wasted when I should have said, ‘fuck it,’ and claimed her regardless?

This was what happened when you tried to pretend you were a knight in shining armor when you were really the villain of the tale.

I pressed my lips to the crown of her head, grateful for the gift that was her on Christmas morning, before I rumbled, "Little one, time to wake up." I stroked a hand over her hair, gently slipping my fingers along her scalp, scraping there, knowing the sensation would make her shiver.

She pressed her face into my throat, muttering, "Go to sleep."

I grinned up at the ceiling. "It’s Christmas."



"Sleeeep." She pushed deeper into me, so that her breath brushed my skin with every exhale. "Too early. We didn’t fall asleep until late."

That was very, very true.

Not even my dick twitched with morning wood. She’d drained my balls twice in less than an hour. I hadn’t done that in years, probably because the Oxy had been more exciting than any of the women I’d fucked since I’d met her.

"I have a gift downstairs for you."

"Thank you," she said sleepily.

I laughed. "Don’t you want to open it?"


Snorting, I murmured, "I can give it to one of the others."

Tags: Serena Akeroyd Five Points' Mob Collection Erotic